Green Warden? Yes please.
White Warden? No thank you.
And I mostly play at night. Please allow us to purely use the Green.
Also it kind of renders the individual pieces unusable outside of the set. You think you’ve found a nice pair of Green gloves then surprise, they’re now white
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Really nice looking set, but I don’t use full sets for xmog. Mimicking others, please consider adding all 3 (white, green, day/night set).
Really disappointed this is one transmog that swaps. Was hoping we would have choices on this, the models already exist for both colors so it would be so easy to split them. I pick my weapons, dragon color, and accessories based on my mog so it’s a nightmare to want to use a cool transmog but be stuck only using neutral tone weapons for fear of color clashing.
Taking a moment to add my voice to this.
I also have the color changing mount from (I think) the first trading post thing. I rarely use it. I am a bit irritated at not choosing the color, but that was just a surprise reward for doing the monthly thing.
This, however, is different. This is something that was billed and hyped as the reward for a year of trading post participation. As someone who wasn’t on the PTR, or anything like that? I just thought that the reward - which is clearly supposed to be based on a Warden - would have, you know. Have us looking like Wardens. It was nice to see that there was a silvery option, but…finding out that it would change automatically?
That’s not just a bad idea. That’s counterproductive. This is literally a transmogrification reward that people work towards for a year, and then you mention that there will be times when it no longer looks how it is supposed to? This is a cosmetic item that you are changing to sometimes not look how we want it to. And this is something that the player will have no control over.
I do not understand that. If I buy a green painting, I don’t want it to suddenly turn silver in intervals I do not control. Especially if I have a design around that green painting.
As others have said, there is no reason not to have three versions. The green, the silver, and one that can shift and change based on the time of day. If you had to lose one of those, I would…highly recommend the one that changes.
I promise that I am capable of choosing which look I want. Please don’t take my choice away for something I was looking forward to and have been working towards for a year.
I remember some thinking that only Alliance should get the set when it was first announced back at start.
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Well the lore would kind of support that. Wardens are very much a Nightelf specific thing. That said it would seem kind of like a raw deal if people did all 12 months only to find they couldn’t use it. But I do wonder if this is race specific? The only shots we have seen are nightelves wearing this armor? They say transmog, but does that even guarantee it can be worn by other races? For example? The Heritage armor is considered transmog too but can only be used by the appropriate race. Have Blizzard confirmed one way or the other?
I mean some of the transmog stuff in the trading post has been class specific.
You guys did a great job with this set, it looks very nice.
Unfortunately, just like every other set… it looks absolutely horrible on Forsaken.
Fix Forsaken… good god, Blizzard.
I mean to me I guess it would be adding something that would look more Forsaken and did the same .
For example the Blood Troll one, we’ve seen on Horde and Alliance.
I’m not really in it for the sake of the Warden set, just more of a getting the achieve for the 12 months.
And thinking we haven’t really seen Wardens hanging out with Horde nearly as much as we have with Alliance.
But for another example, Grave here wouldn’t be able to wear the NE heritage and you wouldn’t be able to use the Forsaken one outside of having 1 of and vice versa, as Forsaken I wouldn’t be able to wear yours unless I was on a NE.
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Yup I dusted off my undead lady and leveled her just to get the forsaken armor.
The possible problem here is a technical one. Do any other mogs have this type of toggle, or any type of toggle? Implementing that could be extremely problematic and costly.
I certainly agree it would be a nice feature, though, and opens up the possibility of toggles/switches for other mogs.
It doesn’t even need to be a toggle tbh—literally just two new sets of armor. One with the permanent white appearance, one with the permanent green (and of course one that remains color-changing, for those who actually like the feature). Just like how the TWW pre-order set has two versions—one with a lightning effect and one without.
Just… add two more sets. The models already exist, you just have to hook them up to armor item names and you’re done.
Yea that would probably be the easiest option
If it is difficult then the simpler answer is to include the two individual colorations as their own ensembles along side it.
So three sets when its unlocked. One that Changes color and two that are those two colors.
Blizzard can clearly already use the set in those individual colors without changing. We’ve seen both on characters in game and their armor does not shift.
Still not going to let this die until we get an answer from Blizz on this.
I love the commitment, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Sadly.
I’m getting so tired of us being ignored after the whole, “We’re listening!!!”
There was a week or so where the unrelenting justice boots had replaced the harlequin set boots, and to say for certain. It DID change colors based on the time of day, please don’t let it stay like that. Make it multiple options.
yup, people have been afraid of the of this possibly changing colors since the mount came out, and people have been pretty vocal about how bad of an idea that is but here we are running face first into an easily solvable issue
And just because someone gives “Feedback” it doesn’t make it good.
My guess is they will end up adding the set with static color options and probably always intended to do so. It doesn’t make the narcissism of some of these posts any less amusing.
I still don’t see why they don’t just do three different sets of the armor and then go back and have three different versions of the mount and I also don’t see why some people are so against people wanting this or asking for this because we’d all benefit from it and instead of having one choice we’d have three so everyone could have what they want if they want it.