If a tank is getting hit by a boss, a normal person would react with a large drop in his hitpoints with a Lay on Hands.
Without 400ms spell batching, as long as you react and hit that button before the next hit happens, your tank will rightfully survive to keep on fighting.
With 400ms spell batching, sometimes you will react to a sudden drop in hitpoints with a lightning fast Lay on Hands, your tank will survive. Other times he will die and your LoH will go on CD.
There’s not much else to say, you can talk about skill and all this crap about casting heals but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the random nature of heals falling in the same window as lethal damage and you having no way to know where in the window you are, unless you have something tracking it.
Except in the instance of LoH, an instant cast full heal. You could cast it and have it delayed by almost half a second, leaving your tank dead even though you cast. Wouldn’t that be healing before taking fatal damage? yes it would. The game just batched it and you were on the wrong end of the batch.
I’m wracking my brain and I can never remember a time when a tank was basically killed within a GCD unless it was just really bad parry haste luck or something. If your healers are playing right, there’s otherwise never a time when this would even be a problem.
I didn’t get far enough into Naxx to do Patchwerk, but the only times I can think of where tank damage spiked that much is Nef + WF totems not being killed (fault of the raid, LoH doesn’t apply), and the Twin Emps.
So all that to say, the only situations that a tank death would require an MLG elite twitch press of LoH are either preventable or not recoverable in the first place.
No its not healing as they took. You aren’t understanding that boss damage isn’t batched or not batched with player-player interactions. its basically a half second delay on application not processing but application.
Are we talking dungeons or raids? Because, again, in raids, I can’t think of a single encounter where even multiple mobs do enough damage to require super-fast LoHs to prevent a tank death.
Maybe my guild’s other healers and I were just really good, I dunno. This was 13 years ago.
Right, and my point is, after a wipe, you don’t go back to the drawing board saying, “if only LoH went off”. There’s almost always another, legitimate reason the wipe happened.
ESPECIALLY when you know that bug only exists because it was added back in artificially.
Also @Ohshiftson
please go look up lag… larger spell batches is larger lag. sorry this concept is too difficult for you to grasp you might wanna go continue your education before talking with adults.
while not RNG its still random, the same way stopping a slot machine wheel is random. Sure you could technically stop it at the right time, but in practical sense its random.
Sorry usually mana efficiency is a key part of being skilled as a healer…
Which is why you want to use your LoHs when they are as low as possible so you dont overheal as much which is one of the signs of a bad healer.
So letting them get low to get maximal value out of a heal while you might be doing something else like say dispelling group members knowing you can pop a LoH and keep them up in time, then finding out that they took that hit at the start of a new Batch window and your heal had to wait an extra 300ms to process and 200ms later he gets hit and dies makes you pissed cause you know you landed that heal in time and the game screwed you. If that had been halfway through the Batch window he would have been fine in the exact same situation so it was a coinflip that he died. A coinflip which only existed because the devs thought it was a good idea to make the game more laggy.