Because of you and your ilk spam reporting them, you guys also love to gaslight and go off on unhinged tangents in order to make the mods take them down. You actively call for people to falsely report people simply because you don’t like and/or agree with them. People like you are the problem. You hate it when people don’t agree with your views and feelings. That’s no excuse to abuse the system to get people a “forum vacation”.
“get rid of communities” in an MMORPG… yeah, sure Jan.
For reference here are my queue times tonight:
16 mins @ 8:30pm NZT - IoC
20 mins @ 9:15pm NZT - IoC
Only got time for 2 Epic BG tonight, had to go out, its Friday.
We usually solo queue, duo or tri (?) queue as healers and dps, and don’t see much variation one way or the other.
Maybe it’s due to the locale? But remember, in comparison, at the start of TWW, the waiting times is around 5~6 mins at the same timeframe. So you can see it’s a bit longer now. Perhaps not as many local players are playing Epic BG now?
Just for fun, the queue time in Fortnite is consistently at less than 30 sec. Sometimes it pops immediately after we queue. This has not changed through-out the year, the benefit of having a huge player base. And must say, Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 is so much fun
No I hate when people intentionally clog the forum up with whine threads when they get beat in PvP, and then try to project their own trolling behavior onto others. You’re consistently in these threads in constant denial of the fact that Blizzard doesn’t view premades as an issue. They dealt with multiboxing, they dealt with twinks but 20 years later you’re still under the delusion they’re going to penalize people for grouping up in a video game.
Nah, I’m going to keep reporting you and the other 5-6 people who constantly merry-go-round spam the forums with QQ.
So 2:30AM EST and 3:15AM EST,
It is the deep end of prime-time. Until about 7AM where it picks up again.
fixed that for ya
yes unfortunately its way passed my bed time the key point here is the trend, at the start of tww the queue time is 5-6min for the same timeframes. Anyway, I’m off to bed now and you all have a great day
I post 1–2 times a week, if that. lol
The forums is for talking about the game. Just because you don’t like what is being talked about doesn’t mean it’s “whine threads”.
The complete lack of self-awareness is strong with you.
Because blizzard has never expressed that they think it’s ok to manipulate and exploit the queue system in order to gain a huge advantage and “pug stomp”.
Yes, because it was causing problem, it was something they didn’t care about until is starting effecting others.
Twinks still exists to this day…
Again, it’s not about “grouping up”, it’s about the rampant exploitation of the queue system to stack large, organized groups into content not intended for it. The fact that you have to downplay it and try to imply people don’t like “grouping” proves that your full of it.
Of course you will, you can’t stand that people don’t think the same as you. If you don’t like the threads why are you always on them constantly posting?
…Blitz is great, though, except when people exploit it by syncing queues up.
I don’t think you cooked what you thought you did here.
Break the ability to queue sync. Deleting pvp communities wont do anything
work does not make one a billionaire.
You are most likely in the crew of early Blitz adopters this season.
Just keep doing that next season. You should be fine.
Actually, I was one of the first people to hit duelist early on, then I kept disconnecting and losing 200 rating at a time for several weeks down to 1400-1500.
I climbed back to duelist 3-4 times as a result, then finally pushed to 2600 after pc upgrades a couple of weeks ago because I no longer have a 2% crash/freeze/DC rate.
You might notice I’ve played 800+ rounds of Blitz, which is quite the opposite from pushing early and sitting on rating.
I’m also a survival player, although I did push 2300 as marks as well while grinding honor for sockets.
Good guess though! Shame you didn’t check the dates.
hey bro! the little que synchers got me a silence ban lol
just wanted to say great work on fighting all them. i can’t believe
they allow this. boggles the mind but whatever i can do to help you
bring about changes im in.
I try my best, got to keep up the good fight and get the game fixed.
yep!! im all about it. Its mind blowing that blizz allows the cheaters to ruin epics and non rated bgs with que synching. i was in a match against an all sargeras team yesterday. funny part is we almost won. i mean just doing whatever it takes to win because if they didn’t they would never win
yep lol it’s the whole reason they do it they aren’t good enough to win on their own merit.
i like that blue post you dug up too! makes sense.nice to hear that they may be working on a solution to the que synchers!
Ya it’s an old one but it’s the last official thing we have about it from blizzard. I always laugh when they try to use forums posts for “evidence”. Forums mods don’t get to set the rules.