Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

haha! :smiley: You got me laughing, Moritz. I needed that this morning, friend. :smiley:

Blizzard. I hope you read this. I have been loving Shaman since MoP. I have HUGE shaman pride. I looked at our “Farseer” tree. Firstly, thank you for the time and effort you’ve put into this to bring us class fantasy, and being open to feedback. Secondly, I KNOW you can do better than what you’ve shown for Shaman in Farseer. Respectfully, an Ancestor is boring. Come on team, let’s be more creative, please!! Why do we get an NPC that gives us some static throughput buffs (for the most part)? This is not living up to the expectations and standards that you are capable of. Make something COOL for us shamans to be proud of!! Something that gives us the class fantasy you are trying to sell. Instead of some boring Ancestor NPC, why not let us see into the future of Angry or Upset elemental spirits in turmoil that instead hurl a set of unique spells at our foe or cast a unique set of haste/crit/healing spells on our allies, or let our allies shoot additional lightning when they cast a spell. Give it some amazing visuals the shaman is well known for! Not some dopey ghost spirit. Elementals that are bound by chains and fire, frost, and wind. That tear through the earth or something. Anything. They could be really awesome elemental spirits that DO something unique and interesting. That LOOK amazing. Not some dorky ancestor NPC that just stands there for 6 seconds with some duplicate spell or passive increase in a buff, then disappears. Where is our Shaman pride!?!? Make us feel badass! Please do better for the shaman player. Where is your fire? Thank you.

I what more for the Demon Hunter even though there is too specialization