Greetings Gentlemen and meow
That’s for the LGBT thread. I wasn’t being serious btw.
I have problems finding sneakers that I don’t blow my ankles out in.
It’s gotten to a point where the only things I can find that fit right are either slippers, yes slippers, they’re comfey and work style boots.
I doubt it was a straight man either.
may all your zugs be zuggy
Zug love.
Zug is love… zug is life?
Zug zug Gentleman
The daily life for all the Orcs.
Dug in my garden today now I’m getting smoked by my fire pit.
By the way, the grill is an excellent way to trim the hairs on your hand and arm. Whoosh.
drinks all the ale
Good Sir, could you possibly touch any more grass?
slow gentlemen’s clap
I always lose eyebrows.
It’s like… why?! It’s never both just one too.
Yesterday I swapped out all the guts in my computer except the gpu and hard drives. Full body workout and I’m still sore, but worth every minute.
Speaking of full body work outs, I got my new workout shoes and I hope to start going to the gym a couple times a week if not more. I want to lose weight / get toned better.
I want to start doing my weight lifting again. 30 pounds is getting heavy again for a dumbell curl and I gotta build my strength back up.
(Lady Cyndi Lou sends in a Cleaning Crew, to spruce up the Lounge for the Gentleman.)
YAY! I got a positive result with my cologuard test!
Cant wait to see what the other more comprehensive test shows.
Guess my bad luck streak is still alive and well.
I know women get it, but us men, dunno, maybe our diet? My meds? Dunno. But man i sure can feel something in there for the last 2 years.
“I wish you good luck. Cancer is a real b, and will attack anyone, at any time. You have my well wishes.”
/healing hug