Geniune Question for WrA RPers

Honestly, it’s why even though Vanndrel here has a Human x Elf pairing in his past, I play him as more into Goblin gals now-a-days. Because it’s a pairing that you don’t SEE. And, being Blue-side, it also conveniently takes me out of the Romantic RP pool. Not knocking it for those into it, I’ve just seen a lot of folks get hurt when reality and pretend get hard to distinguish from each other and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

I concurr.


This is a ship I’m willing to sail.

madeleine roux if you’re reading this you have my permission to use my likeness in whatever troll x draenei pairing short story you want


I personally just like how the VA does his voice and the sort of echo that goes on top of it + his outfit. He’s more of a aesthetically pleasing character for me I guess then someone I actually care about.
There are plenty of people who like him, nothing wrong with liking characters who might be genuinelly unpleasent. I found small tidbits interest, the times he shows a lot of clear regret for some of things that got him to this place, but his blind loyality to Sylvanas keeping him distracted. There are some genuinely hardcore Nathanos fans, and I think that’s completely cool.
Nothing wrong with enjoying a character, doesnt make the person bad. I think far too many people do not understand how to consume stories and that you can enjoy a villian and not…you know. Support it. (Not saying you are! Or anyone here. I just often find that when I just off hand mention I dont viciously hate him. People try to justify why I should…I have better things to hate.)


Nathanos is okay.

I guess my grief is more like, what if when Varian died in his final moments he said, step forth iconic Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos character Tyrande, I name you the leader of the Alliance. Then going forward she doesn’t really do anything because Blizz decides to pull a random quest giver NPC from Desolace and that’s the primary character you interact with on all these wacky adventures.

I’m pretty indifferent when it comes to most of the WoW characters but Sylvannas was already a pretty strong character on their own and everything you do with Nathanos should have just been the character people already know and like.

Otherwise I do like his vampire dad update they gave him for BfA.


What bothers me is that this is how the Alliance is traditionally written, and it’s why I don’t play Alliance. Like, sure it’s cool to develop Jaina’s story with her family, but does she need to do everything? Like having Jaina go to Naz’jatar and deal with the Baine story at the same time. It was unnecessary. Send someone else to Naz’jatar instead of Jaina.

I want to point out that Dwarves interact with High Elves and Humans more than Humans interact with High Elves (except for, what, Dalaran?). But we never see Half Dwarves and it’s 100% for out of universe reasons.


Is that necessarily the case? That’s the case for Stormwind humans, but Lordaeron, Stromgarde, Alterac, Dalaran and Gilneas were all right up near Quel’thelas until relatively recently, the only dwarves comparatively close were the Wildhammers. Granted they seem like they’d get along swimmingly with the ranger type elves but that’s an awful lot of humans nearby.

Related note, don’t ask me to cite a source because I don’t remember, but I recall reading somewhere that Wildhammers were canonically a little taller and leaner than their underground kin? Maybe that’s a nod to their proximity to each other and, uh, extracurricular activities.


why cant moira just lead the alliance


She doesn’t have a horse.


I liked him before they destroyed Sylvanas’ character. When they made him out to be just a whiny brat panting after a girl I was like, nah.


I think the term simp is stupid, but Nathanos is like the Simpimus Prime.


You might be thinking of Day Of The Dragon.
A lot (most?) of the High Elf lore comes from a time before some huge lore retcons.
Elves and Dwarves were, at one point, both written as “older than humans existed“, and allies in that time before.
But it’s hard to really judge that time period under a microscope because some of it was retconned as early as WC3.

But if we look at current standings, excluding Dalaran, most High Elf (not Blood Elf) settlements are found in or near Dwarf settlements. Aerie Peak is also closer to Quel’thalas than any of the now-fallen human kingdoms as well. Not only do High Elves have settlements near it, but some live in it.

If I had to complain about Nate at all, it’s that he’s only important because of nepotism. Yeah, I’m sure he’s the best ranger after Sylvanas. 5ever, even.

Otherwise, I think I have a general problem with the way the story has been limiting the “cast” to the same very important people over and over again. With quicker cameos and the like, you can actually really start to really like the idea of a character. But then you’re suddenly helping another orc through their emotions in Nagrand again and then look where we are.

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Muradin is probably more qualified to lead as far as military leaders go, but it doesn’t really matter, the Alliance was never going to be lead by a non-human.

Literally every primary leader of the playable human faction/Alliance faction was a white human male wearing plate armor except Jaina in WC3. Though her faction was never actually playable under her leadership in story campaign. You just allied with them or controlled Jaina singularly.

Even Anduin suddenly started wearing plate after Varian died and he inherited military control of a coalition of equal races.


So, you know…

Removing a leader from a recently stabilized nation is usually not a good thing.

Jaina got yoinked from being Lord Admiral…

sweats nervously for his KT


Not even slightly worried because Blizzard writes consequences and then figure out the events leading up to them. Externalities don’t exist in Azeroth.


For me I think it’s an issue of exposure. Back when he was just an NPC I went to a few times in the Plaguelands, I thought he was entertaining. But going through BfA where he’s been there at every turn? Yeah, it’s annoying.


I think the big issue for me is how blizzard always shoves the current roster of characters down your throat. They don’t like spreading things around.

I wanted to like Nathanos as a character, but his character begins to becoming this buzzing in your ear. Sooner or later I don’t even register he is speaking.


Total tangent but it trips me out how, with the timeline as we understand it being 1 expansion = 1 year (except Cata)… Jaina has led three sovereign nations in the last 4 years. Theramore at the beginning of MoP. Dalaran shortly thereafter. And now Kul Tiras.

Aside from being insanely remarkable from a politics standpoint… it goes to show how unstable things are politically in Azeroth XD