Feel free to hop into our discord! Recruiters are available. discord.gg/enclave
4 hours till launch who’s hyped?
3 and counting!
Joined for Burning Crusade 15 years ago, back again for the best damn guild in wow. Nothing compares to the world PVP that Horrigan and the Enclave delivers.
We are growing exponentially, and activity is through the roof! Discord is more alive now than I can ever recall, chat is active, everyone is socializing and playing, and as far as I know we are the largest guild at the moment on Grobbulus.
The atmosphere is electric, and if you are in need of a guild PLEASE, reach out to one of our recruiters! I’ll be sitting in the recruitment channel for the foreseeable future while I try to get back on!
It’s been a ball so far. We have more than enough recruiters to answer any of your questions / get you set up. Pop into discord and just ping the access request channel and we will get you squared away.
Classic has been great fun so far.
Come join us in The Enclave, we have beer, wine, the harder stuff, a few jesters and plenty of debauchery and future wars with a lot of looting and pillaging.
Are you guys doing the rp stuff tied to the gazette?
Over 150 members online last night dying to kobolds
Don’t know. I plan on trying to set up some RP stuff but most of what we do will probably be inter-guild.
Hoping to get past the queue to log in. Looking for a guild to join and yours sounds like what I’m looking for.
I’m level 24 and already having more fun in Classic than I have in the last 6 years of Retail WoW.
Yeah I’m definitely not going back to Retail anytime soon.
I hit 60, life is crazy.
TE have been the best guild I’ve been apart of, definitely the right choice. If you have a good sense of humor you’ll fit right in.
We’re already beating nerds up in the world