Gear > Skill

The real joke of all of this is i was 1950 mmr and 1780 rating the first month of the expansion launcn.

I have been playing long enough to know i wasnt enjoying queueing into prot pal/arms and prot/ ret at that mmr and having to work 5x harder to win a game vs someone slamming their face on the keyboard.

These newer “experts” dont seem to get this.

I had nunerous games while climbing where i watched cheese like a prot popping his dps from 6% to 85% in one instant global, or being deleted from existence by a 220+ team despite back pedalling.

I was playing my rogue at that mmr and it just wasnt enjoyable. I lost at 1910 mmr to a mythic geared hunter disc team where the hunter sat in one spot, barely moved, and was turreting rapid fires for 15k damage with a 20k instant aimed shot while his 35k disc was nigh unkillable. Remember, i wasnt that geared
They were.

Blizz did nerf that eventually but it put a distaste for this season in me.

The new generation of pvpers thinks hitting their one shot macro and killing someone with 10k less hp is some great skill. It isnt.
I died recently to a 26k full moon from a stealthed boomkin after his own WW leg swept me.

There is no counterplay to dying in .4 seconds.

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Yeah if you’re playing rogue/healer 2s right now you’re signing up for a bad time. Rogue mage is pretty fun and super good right now in 2s if you have a good mage.

I’ve noticed this season you have to respect cooldowns a lot more. Waiting to see if they can actually back their cooldowns up with a good setup and damage isn’t really a viable option anymore, and you just have to react to them getting popped.