GDKP Prediction

Lifting the GDKP ban is a back-up option for player retention. “We are proud of the traditional guild structures that have blossomed on the anniversary servers, and because of this we feel it is safe to lift the ban on GDKP so a segment of the playerbase can raid blah blah blah.” Standard PR statements.

PUGs are going to get hardstuck on razorgore for two weeks, let alone vael or flamegor. I took my first break in 2019 for BWL phase and came back for ZG through naxx into tbc until sunwell.

I am predicting significant attrition in BWL phase–I think it is already starting to happen. Don’t worry. Your safe space will return. You know what I’m talking about. ZG idol runs. Cozy AF.

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Aren’t what the game is designed around.

Find a guild.

Zaalg will be gone here


Obsession For Zaalg might well be the new ZG Corrupted Blood Incident – it’s everywhere!

COPE. 10 chars.

Something unexpected is happening on Era, Normal guilds seem to be making a comeback, and normal dungeon runs (not boosts) appears to be the present trend.

My warrior is now 51 (today) and so far the only Dungeon I haven’t done is Sunken Temple, everything so far has been super chill and fun for dungeon and quest grouping. In chat I see a few normal (Non-GDKP) guilds recruiting.

They aren’t lifting GDKP ban.

Time to find a new game if you don’t like it.

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how would GDKP retain players?

Being able to raid on a flexible schedule, being able to play alts outside of your guild, more healers (that have been levelled by people to take to GDKP raids) being available for 5 man/ future 20 man content, more ppl doing old content in future patches, etc?

In theory it keeps geared players raiding actively in pugs in turn making pugs easier runs (because new / alts) are being carried and able to get gear with their gold. Geared players are able to get gold for pvp consumes, and progression tier.

I have watched GDKP’s and I reserve my feeling on it since its truly hard to fully oun down the totality of its impact.

If it hasn’t changed by now, it’s not changing.

It’s already lifted on era cata and retail. Play there