GDKP in Season of Discovery

Bring gdkps back!! Bots are still everywhere and people are still buying gold!!

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someone check this guys account for goldbuying since he wants gdkps back

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it’s almost like most people are leveling and not raiding yet

but no, keep crying that you can’t swipe your way to BIS anymore

if ur still leveling your main 3 weeks into the phase might be time to find a new game to play

Don’t worry guys, we stopped complaining into the void and that means the policy is working!

We didn’t need the thriving community in P1 anyway!

Also, this post is still deleted.

Any plans to address the horrendous customer service and unwarranted bans people have received since this change went live? People are being banned for simply trading gold between friends or guild members. Having innocent trades being flagged for gold buying or GDKP.

Then when trying to appeal the account actions being given an auto generated AI response from blizzard stating their ban will stand.

Wow customer service used to be really good , with actual GMs that would investigate issues and rectify unwarranted bans.

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lmfao I love that I hope someone does

Welp this post didn’t age well. It has only been a negative impact for the game and its players. I really hope Blizzard is tracking how bad this change effected the game. In due time we will see GDKPs come back in p3 or later. And when yall complain it will be apparent via Blizzards response bc their data does not lie and does not having feelings/cope.


post aged wonderfully, haven’t you seen all the posts about goldbuyers being banned?

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Thanks again for helping your true, and real player base!

viva la ban

Maybe, kinda sucks for the legitimate players though.
I never bought gold and I loved GDKP cause I could do a few runs and get enough gold so on the 3rd - 4th run depending when the item I wanted dropped, I could buy the one item I really wanted.
I knew the 3 - 4 runs were not a complete waste of my time cause I was actively progressing toward the item I wanted.

Given I haven’t done GDKP since actual Cata, I cant really comment on how that loot system has evolved to today. But yeah, very fond memories.
Shame blizzard couldn’t implement a similar system but have it capped, say cap it at 200g max for any item in P2.
If multiple people bid the cap, then have it go to a /roll and highest roller gets the item and their 200g removed and put into the pot to be split at the end.

Keep GDKP banned but have the in game system be called BDKP (Blizz Dragon Kill Points).
So they can still track anyone doing GDKP & not using blizzards built in system and ban them, but allow for people not to be wasting their time in raids.
Should be no harder then tracking the AH if its a built in system.

Please refer to this

Although GDKP is banned here, it has not been implemented on the Taiwan servers.
I don’t understand why there is such a differential policy.

As a long-term Taiwanese player, since the shutdown of the China servers, the influx of a large number of China players has also contributed to more workshops and bots settling on the Taiwanese servers.
A large number of bots are taking up the already limited server resources. The public channels are always filled with a lot of workshop advertisements. Our gaming environment has been greatly changed compared to the past.

Initially, I was excited to see this GDKP ban policy being trialed, but now I am disappointed to see that this policy does not include the Taiwan servers. I can imagine that this kind of gaming experience cannot be changed in the short term.
As a player who has subscribed to WOW since 2006, I have decided to take a break and watch from the sidelines. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Every time I post in a blue thread supporting GKDP if it is in the first 20 replies they delete my post.

So cringe man, I feel like we’re in China with all this censorship, except that would be better because we could still use GDKP.

I used to think this, but now that they’re gone, I’m not so sure.

Hello, I just wanted to welcome you to the Forums with your very first post ever…on that character.

By the way, they don’t have a monthly sub in Taiwan either. Almost like the game is run slightly different over there. I’m perfectly fine with the whales going to play on servers in Taiwan. They can have a great old time.

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the game itself in Taiwan plays exactly the same (barring the difference regarding implementation of the GDKP ban).

as blizzard expressly stated that the GDKP ban was an experiment, then they refused to implement the GDKP ban for another region shows that the experiment has concluded and GDKPs will be returning.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That makes zero sense. There was no ban in Taiwan. They didn’t experiment with anything in Taiwan.

I know you whales just want to go back to buying gear with illegal gold, but it’s not happening. And if you want to so bad, go move to Taiwan. And get ready to pay for hourly gametime there, since they don’t do a monthly sub. Almost like the game is run differently. How about that.


The coming update shows you guys need people back to play and that won’t save you. You know this was a fail action.

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