GDKP in Season of Discovery

Swipers are still so tilted. :rofl: :rofl:


Players are getting to the point in phase 2 when they would normally do GDKP so they are starting to feel the lack of it.

Feels like a massage. ASMR.

Top seller is still doing over 30k orders a month lmao that’s just 1 person btw.

We’re a week into the phase, the majority haven’t hit 40 and haven’t touched Gnomer and you’re talking about orders per month. Literally has no connection to the effects of the ban.

You can literary refresh the page every minute to see the gold inventory dropping lmao 40k g sold since my last post for the server that i used to play on.

Facts trump copiums.

you are right GDKPs most likely would not have started this early in the raid cycle en masse, there are some early indications that let us draw some conclusions.

  1. Botting still exists. you can stillsee bots everywhere, so the notion that banning GDKP would get bots to packup and go has been shattered.

  2. RMT still exists - the price of WoW gold has gone up, yes it is early in the phase and that was to be expected. but think about what one would expect if RMT were dead, the price would continue to be at rock bottom prices that it was at the end of the previous phase as nobody would be buying gold. So there is still a market for RMT in WoW, GDKPs were not the only reason GDKPs existed a many claimed. Yes the price of gold will drop in time and that is to be expected, just like it did during the first phase.

  3. People have not started to join guilds, I still see just as many unguilded people as I saw in phase 1. Blizzards attempt to get people to join guilds the more traditional social structure of MMOs is not working, now once raiding becomes a twice a week thing, that may change but early indications is that the move was ineffective.

Yes GDKPs have stopped appearing publicly but only time will tell how many people try to get around the ban with either what they believe are clever mechanics, or whatever. I am sure keeping an eye on the Customer service forum for posts like “I was banned for doing a GDKP but it wasn’t a GDKP so I shouldn’t be banned” or whatever. will tell us a lower bound of how many people are trying to circumvent the ban.

And the spam advertisements, does it matter if they are for GDKP or MS>OS? isn’t it still annoying spam?

Without any changes, I would have expected the price of gold to go down from the median of the first season. My guess would have been that the expected ease of creating gold in p2 would create more downward pressure than the new goldsinks (mount, gear, etc. at 40) would create.

Thus, maybe it is even the GDKP ban that ended up raising the price of gold as average ex-GDKP players now simply swiped.

Yea I think they actually created more people buying gold.

Stay tilted, Swiper.

And I love this whale mentality of “I’m gonna buy even more gold to prove I wasn’t buying it for GDKPs!”

That’ll show us.

GDKPs were like the best relationship between whales and players.

Now you’ve upset it, who knows what the whales will do.

Stay delusional, smooth brain. For one, I never swiped. lmao Appreciate the effort tho

They will just move onto another game or another version of Wow.

great change hope yall can enforce it

The sooner the better.

This would be awesome yes ban all those things we supposed to farm for gold and maybe if people started farming they would be able to spot a bot post like who posts 20+ full stacks way cheaper than everyone else or 50+ stacks of 1 bots do that so nobody can see player mats or fair market prices. Bots clog the AH and sell services to prevent players from farming because that is their turf and they know if players used the AH they would start reporting the Bots mains that post all the botted garbage actually worth 0. Instead players tend to launder the botted mats for them because its easy gold.

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Raid logs show since phase 2 a 50% reduction in people raiding.

Maybe go after gold buyers & sellers, not the players!
HAHA what did yous expect?
Attack your community and expect them to stick around.
Pfft!! not gonna happen

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The most legitimate and well thought-out response.

I don’t care about this premise, so it’s moot as far as I’m concerned.

I don’t like people buying raid gear, either through (previously) allowed or illicit means.

If they went after the “buyers” they would be going after about 50% of the player base.

Sounds like you may be on to something with the 50% drop in raiding.