GDKP in Season of Discovery

might be time to take a break, chief.

Incredible. You sliced up the key points of my post with the skill of a middle schooler. /golf clap

well they are banning gdkps so yeah, they ban goldsellers

Exclusively RAN GDKP, gotta use that past tense in the SoD forums.

“I have no real argument and am mad” - You

The only points you have are that you are mad.

Bro you can barely make rent and youre trying to justify buying gold like your social credit depends on it. Absolute max LOL

But then thats how it is for so many people nowadays. Try so hard to look rich you go broke and never get rich.

This aint the gram. Nobody here is gonna believe youre a mega-loaded Mr Worldwide type because you buy gold. Anyone with any fiscal sense sees gold buyers for what they are: a poor man’s imitation of what they think a rich man would spend his money on.


I’ve seen you say this but maybe I need it broken down better. If bots are farming mobs and selling the trash greys to make gold to sell to people, then those people turn around and spend that gold on items real players put up on the AH, how does this matter? It’s just transferring gold to someone that didn’t farm it. How is this any different than giving my friend 50g? As far as inflation, if the price of everything raises, so does to the stuff you farm and sell. How does this matter? This isn’t real life where you have stagnant wages and an increase in money supply. In WoW, as the money supply increases, the price of everything increases, meaning the people that play legit, just make more gold.

If bots are farming actual items like herbs and such, to sell on the AH, then this also doesn’t inflate anything. If someone buys that item from a bot and then that bot turns around and sells that gold to a player, nothing has been inflated here. I’ve played many iterations of WoW, where 50g is a lot and a 100,000g is very little (I could be exaggerating a bit here but I don’t think so). At no point did I think “Dang, I just can’t get the gold I need.” If the economy is inflated, then that also means everything you farm and sell will also be inflated.

As I said at the beginning, I could very well be missing an element here. Blizzard can, at any point, reduce inflation by adding increased price of water, food, repairs, you name it but they don’t. I never ran GDKP but after browsing through this thread, I am failing to see the issue with it.

This is beyond true… I don’t think many of these people realize how many of their guildies are buying gold for consumes and such.

What’s the difference between being outbid for an item one week and that person not bidding when it next drops and them out rolling you or it being decided by a LC? This is in reference to guilds doing GDKP. Plus, if you lose, you actually gain gold from it, instead of a sour taste in your mouth of gaining nothing. I’ve never done GDKP but after reading through this thread, I’m quickly siding with them. Their arguments make sense and don’t just consist of “p2w kiddo”.

I think you will find that you are incorrect. I would surmise that the large amounts of bots you are noticing comes from the fact that SoD is so massively popular. As the player base increases, so to will the number of bots. This will mean that places where you normally see only bots, you will now see more of, while the rest of the large player base in spread out into end game content. Furthermore, gold buy and selling has been in the game far longer than any GDKP. The reality is that as long as Blizzard is making a game for a niche of people who played WoW 20 years ago, they have to contend with the fact that the buy in can’t be so demanding of time. Being apart of a GOOD guild at level 60 who speed run and parse, requires TONS of farming and time investment. This is where you will see 95% of RMT going. Buying flasks, food and all of the MANDATORY things to create a quick, enjoyable raid experience. An answer to this could be “Screw the people who have lives and can’t play for 8 hours a day” but I don’t think that’s what Blizzard is shooting for.

And therein lies Blizzards biggest issue and why they won’t perma gold buying. They are in a lose - lose situation. They understand most RMT gold isn’t being spent in GDKP but they can’t ban a HUGE portion of their player base that are buying gold, they would lose too much money and if they don’t ban them, then they piss off people like yourself. So what do they do? This meaningless blue post to appease anti-GDKP, while having no real effect on the people buying gold. When 60 rolls around, you are going to see an ABSURD explosion in RMT. As long as there is gold and gold buys you what you need, there will be RMT. To solve this, Blizzard would need an entire restructuring of the game.

I’ve never done GDKP but after reading this, I really don’t see the problem, even if it is being facilitated by RMT. Almost everything in this game is facilitated by it. I would bet EVERYTHING I HAVE, that every one of you has guildies that buy gold and use it to help your raids. Every pug you enter in, has people that buy gold. Nothing isn’t touched by this. This is why banned GDKP is so silly and ignores the principled issue.

The second half of this sentence is a declaration that the first half is a lie.

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Why are folks still arguing this? You can literally search historical data on some of these illicit RMT sites and see no huge jump in gold prices from P2 dropping.

The entire premise that banning GDKP wouldn’t lower demand is kind of snuffed out by that lack of price jump despite this phase including a helluva lot of gold sinks at 40 (i.e. mount). Prices were higher in the middle of P1 than they are now in most cases. Seems like this ban improved things by reducing demand based on the available evidence we have.

Put it to rest. Blizzard will review their own internal data, likely review that historical data, and adjust accordingly.

they don’t even ban for things that are already TOS like gold buying lol, they can’t enforce this. and they let streamers do w/e they want without bans

I am still curious as to what is antimetrical about GDKPS to SoD, since this was the reason given in the video preview.

  1. They are a social construct in an MMO as in they were invented by the playerbase for the playerbase.

  2. they are a social activity, by definition getting together into a raid is a social activity. As are transactions BETWEEN players. Just because sometimes discussions don’t occur about BS doesn’t mean its not a Social activity.

  3. It is a better loot system then Loot council which can easily be bribed or manipulated in many cases. Yet Blizzard has not deemed Loot councils antithetical to SoD.

  4. RMT Issue… yeah umm RMT has skyrocketed since beginning of phase 2, so I don’t think GDKPs were the sole contributor of it. I won’t deny that some people bought god to GDKP, but when stuff was going for 5g did you really need to buy gold to get your gear? I am sure people have spent more in wipefest pugs on consumes (assuming they were popping consumes like they should have) then to get the same piece of gear in a GDKP that was wipe free.

  5. If we are trying new things out can we at least ban loot councils next?


Citation needed


You can see in my other post why I don’t think RMT is an issue either. All of this seems to be summed up to a bunch angry people that can’t stand the fact that people pay real money to achieve the same things they achieve but without the time investment in the game. I perfectly understand being upset by this but the reality is that it doesn’t seem to actually effect anything. If anything, it leads to more people playing the game and increased longevity. There is a reason Blizzard added the token. They recognize that a large portion of their subscribers just don’t want to invest that kind of time in order to enjoy the game. Level 60 raiding can attest to this and it will be on full display when it arrives. Botting will be out of control.

But it isn’t relevant if you believe me or not and even if I were lying, it changes nothing about my argument.

You mean banning GDKP was not the economic panacea it was advertised to be?!

Color me shocked…

And also label all those forum warriors who advocated banning GDKP’s liars…

You’re a few days into a new phase. The majority of players aren’t 40 and haven’t stepped foot in Gnomer. Trying to draw conclusions about the GDKP ban at this point is utterly ridiculous.

But at least the spam advertisements are gone.

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The statement stands for itsself. All those advocating the banning of GDKP’s as a panacea for all SoD’s problems were/are liars…

Oh, you’re just a troll.

By the way, no one said that except whales creating silly strawman arguments,

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If banning GDKP’s didn’t fix the advertised fixes then they were discrimantory at best and damaging useless at best…

They never wanted to ban GDKPs to fix anything, lots of players just felt left out of the system and found it easier to riot for a ban of the entire system than to be a bit uncomfortable and try something new.

That’s a highly reportable (mass automated reportable position to take)…