GDKP Ban Lifted

no they sell their gold to the players that love to GDKP

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Got it, no one has ever purchased gold unless it was for a GDKP and from one of the “leaders” or “goods”.

you must be a very happy guy than

I got a bunch of “leaders” ready for you.

not what i said at all but you do have a habit of over simplification

pretty weak burn man come on you can do better

embarrassing getting trounced this hard by a guy that can barely english


You figure out how to play rogue yet?

You gonna go buy my “leaders”?

Sorry if that word scares you.

Yep I’m terrified the word leaders has me shaking in my boots

Well let me inform you that it’s a made up problem.

Your fears are self constructed.

Similar to your sense of self importance eh?

I’m not claiming to be important, am I?

Guess that’s just how you view me. :man_shrugging:

Yep I do view you as someone with an oversized ego and an underdeveloped brain glad we finally make sense to each other lol

Awwwh, I just think you struggle understanding English.

You’re probably a good person, just ignorant to your own short comings.

Well good to know you think once in awhile

Confirms you haven’t been reading that much, considering I’ve said “I think” many times in this thread.

But I’ve already addressed your lack of English skills. It’s not surprising you’re confused and upset.

Not upset the other times you used the word think I wasn’t sure you knew what that word actually meant

You’re not sure of a lot of things I bet.

Afterall a lot of times things make zero sense to you

You whole “leaders” thing was a poor take, it still makes no sense.

Am I unable to do this “leader” thing without participating in a GDKP?