GDKP and boosting must be shut down in every version of Classic, or WoW for that matter

Couldn’t have said it any better. Clocks ticking on Classic Era in its current state.

The tons of people that quit when the token was added were bots. Bringing the Token to Classic Era wouldn’t stop the GDKP/Booster racket anyway though. If anything it would encourage it. Introducing the token would have to occur in conjunction with hard perma-bans on all GDKP and Boosting. While there at it Profession Procs is something that Classic Era is in dire need of too.

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If they token stopped RMT and bots there would be not RMT or bots on Modern WoW dog.

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I don’t know how did you only made 5k in 6 month. I have 2 herbing characters parked in different spots to pick grave moss. I only go check them every 20mins or 30min, and only took me 1min each time. I picked about 60 grave moss in 2days. It is from 7-10g each in action house which means I made 500g just doing that. If you only made 5k in 6 month, I’d say u are doing it wrong or you are not even trying.

Plus grave moss only requires 130 herb skill and the area is around level 30.

I don’t really need to justify how I invest my game time to you; however, I suspect you might want to take into consideration a few things that allow you to achieve what you’re describing:

  • How many characters, and possibly accounts, you are playing.
  • How frequently you are logging in.
  • What cluster you’re playing on and the price of goods on that cluster.
  • How many other players are doing the same activity and the impact that has on your success rate.

You’re quick to judge and accuse me of not trying but it sounds like your circumstances might be a fair bit different than mine are.

For myself, I’m quite proud of my 5k. It’s enough to buy several of my friends epic mounts and to not have to worry about bags/repairs for any of my characters. It’s just not enough to pay for the priviledge of attending a raid, allowing even one of my characters to buy their way to gear in a RMT fueled economy… which, if you’ve been following along, is the whole point here.

If you’re advocating that I step up my play such that it competes with my actual job so that I can do this, you’re actually making my point for me. It’s no wonder people are buying gold and this is exactly why GDKP needs to go.

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I’m just saying your case is not represent anything. You can play whatever you want. But even a new server released, you probably will fall into same situation quickly again with the phase you play.

I think you should leave it alone and let the community sort it out.

The community did sort it out and what they arrived on was a monetized version of WoW. You want something in Era, you pay gold for it. You want gold, you pay money for it. That is the game that the community made.

Is that the game you want?

For some the answer is yes, because that’s the game they play now and that’s what they’ve come to like. To that end, Blizzard should not ban for RMT and just bring the WoW token to Era.

For some the answer is no, because a pay to win game is not what they signed up for. To that end, Blizzard should never introduce the WoW token to Era and they should ban anybody who purchases, or has purchased, gold.


The first option seems less cost intensive on their part so that will likely happen.

Maybe, we’ll have to see. Up until last week I would have agreed without question. However now they’re trial-running anti-GDKP policies, which suggests they don’t like the impact that GDKP is having on the game and are looking to do something about it.

What form that takes is still anybody’s guess.

Whatever they do, I just want them to be up front about it. I did not sign up for a pay to win game but if it’s Blizzard’s intention that Era be so, it’s not for me to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do in-game. The only thing that’s up to me is whether or not I want to pay for that game. It’s not unreasonable for me to expect Blizzard to be clear on their intentions in this regard.

They are blindly firing at symptoms without trying to fix the disease. The real problem is the bots, it has always been the bots, and it will always be the bots. Blizzard lets bots run rampant in every version of the game and the economy is eventually ruined. They like to do ban waves where they can congratulate themselves for banning 200k bots, but those bots are right back up a few days later and continue to be profitable for the next 30-45 days until the next ban wave.

It’s been a never ending cycle for years. Blizzard does the absolute minimum with the ban waves that produce a nice PR headline every 30-45 days, the bots generate enough currency to be profitable between ban waves, and the cycle continues.

The only difference now is Blizzard is punishing players for their own incompetence by banning GDKPs and banning players who receive botted or RMT gold unknowingly.

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Another gold buyer clinging to his cheater mode.

Just because you’re a trash player, and probably even worse at real life… doesn’t mean everyone you disagree with is a gold buyer.

So ad hominem? Accuse people into submitting to your point of view? That’s the sum and substance of your argument here?

People who defend GDKP are gold buyers. Everyone knows it. You guys can drop the act.


Most are. Some are just enablers.

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I guess I’m just not in the know.

Yes you are. And even people who dont buy gold themselves benefit from pots of bought gold, so keep on coping. Im sure the removal of GDKP will follow on other Classic versions swiftly.

Yup, the people running them make good gold. And then sell it back to the whales…who given back in GDKPs.

Its no wonder they’re terrified this income might get banned in Era too.

Era needs a fresh server or a second season. And GDKP should be banned in it.