GD Lounge # Reforged

“I am still confused.”

im not the sharpest lightbulb in the factory so dont worry about my raveings.

“What kind of revamp do you think the Forums need?”

more friendlier social aspect. Like allow me to have a quick look, reply, back to the main post.
like besides having two browsers open i have to back track, re-enter, refresh, and repeat when neccesary

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“I only use one browser.”

Maybe a better option is to incorp bnet into a web forum? Like that whole social option could benefit here.

“A Web Forum?”

I typed forum instead of form xD but the community systems in bnet but on the wow forums.

“This is a web forum. How do you incorp bnet into a web form?”

I dont get paid the big bucks.
Cant help you there.

“You brought up the concept, I was just looking to try and understand it better.”

/peeks in

good morning folks :slight_smile:

I think I follow.
You’re thinking something like what we see in battlenet when we select a group of folks in a party.

It would be a more free flowing conversation without all the little buttons of bliz silly little website format :smiley:

basically it would be like we’re in a party and we just chat

yay, this toon’s 1 dress finally appears

/happy dance

trying to understand me is trying to understand a homeless dude on the c train in new york city.
its unintelegent ramblings at best.

someones looking fancy.

“You don’t speak street urchin? Aww… That is so sad.”

It’s important to look good when smashing humans /giggle

ahhh the simple things :smiley:

have you guys tried the returned old AV?
Not gana lie… wish it could stay.
Like its pretty fun imo

the anniversary bg?

Yep, got 9 levels 3 bg wins and 700 smashed human hk’s last night :smiley:

It’s loooooooong (i soo missed it)

Most of my friends who still play are not pvp’ers. Nothing wrong with that, some think I’m crazy to be happy over 4 hour battlegrounds :rofl::rofl::rofl:

(this be horde surfgirl btw :smiley:)