GD Lounge # Reforged

/understanding hug

oh it still happens, just tends to be more in things like the never ending high elf threads and so forth /giggle

thank you for the hugs but genocide of those small folk shall not be stopped.
hows everyones opinions on shadowlands?


itā€™s not BFA, so thatā€™s a plus right there :smiley:

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ā€œI am looking forward to it.ā€

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legion : " raises hype and hope "
bfa : " lets lower that back down to 0 there bud "
shadowlands : " desperation shall give me power "

i just hope we dont get a 12 month patch like we had before


I am excited at the prospect of being able to have silver eyes to match my sexy white hair. Then, and only then, will my transmog be complete! :sparkling_heart::four_leaf_clover:


i am very excited for the new customization options. Humans might actually get a few extra players.
Those forsaken models too shivers
You guys gana roll a dk btw?

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I did find enough to keep me going in BFA, but it definitely will not be ranking in my top 3 xpacs :smiley:

When your most positive moment is the 15th anniversary AV battlegroundā€¦/giggle

I still seem to be having trouble with the browser updates :frowning:

ā€œI already have four of them.ā€


Iā€™d like too, but every time I try I inevitably give up. Highest I ever made it wasā€¦ eighty-something. The class just doesnā€™t do it for me; I find the lore really boring, and the abilities are so slow.

I am, however, intrigued by the idea of a Pandaren Death Knight. I love that race enough that I might actually be able to stomach it all the way to end gameā€¦ :sparkling_heart::panda_face:

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you peaked my curiosity. whats your top 3?
cindilou i need you to answer tooo <3


ā€œI liked MoP. I didnā€™t start until Cata, so I donā€™t have much of an opinion of the ones before that.ā€

ā€œI tolerated WoD, and Legion, but HATE BfA.ā€

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  1. BC (totally worthy followup to vanilla questing)
  2. Lich King (most zones felt fresh, pre patch was rather excellent as I remember)
  3. Pandaria (saved the game for me after a dreadful catacylsm)

yeah, WoD played more like filler between larger xpacs to me

Legion gave this simple minded stabby something nice, lots and lots of demons to stab :slight_smile:

Would have been better for me if the Rogue hall was ravenholdt :smiley:

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ugh, company commeth for morning tea :frowning:

Have a good morning all :slight_smile:

May your bosses be one shot and your loot epic :smiley:

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  1. Mists of Pandaria, nothing even comes close to how amazing that expansion is.
  2. Legion, if for no other reason than I loved everything about being a Druid that expansion.
  3. Cataclysm, gave us Worgen & Goblins. Whole new zones, and the Dragon Soul raid!
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Good morning my cuddling butterflies



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