GD Lounge # Reforged


aye, always good company she was

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“I don’t think I matter, anyway. I don’t even think I am considered a friend.”

u are to me :slight_smile:

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“I meant to her.”

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whatever happened, hopefully she returns

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On a more positive note - spritely young 62 this month eh? very cool :smiley:

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tired, going to try to get in one of the holiday bg

“Thank you. One more year to celebrate surviving Cancer. I have started looking forward to Birthdays, ever since. They are a reason to celebrate now.”

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too true :slight_smile:

You and Mr H celebrate it big ?

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“Mom is taking us to dinner, if he can get the day off.”

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nice :slight_smile:

Is he able to around the holidays

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“When they can let him.”

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feels so odd seeing caverns of time populated

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In the Sunken City of Ny’alotha there dwell only mad things… Faceless ones… K’thir… Squid-faced Aqir… Slimes with Eyes in them… Eyeless Serpents… Three-Eyed Fleshbeasts… Creepy Giants wearing hoods with blackness and multiple glowing eyes under them…

Madness dwells in that city… It attempts to breach into reality…

A powerful Faceless called the Black Emperor dwells there and from the molten Earth he draws strength… Ny’alotha’s molten Earth… Ny’alotha’s molten strength…

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Good Night All :slight_smile:

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Wishing everyone a Terrific Thursday :smiley:

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Two more days until the weekend!

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slapping is a sport now they even have Slapping Tournaments there’s even a man so dominant he is known as the god of slap

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Why am I not surprised? That Video was hilarious tbh.