Hell yeah, one day at the time. My bosses took pity lf me and allow me to work at home 2 time per week, I’m happy
cool, nice boss
Yes, they have kind heart and now i can semi raid in my guild lol, i miss raiding with my boys
Is that your raid toon
Yeah been maining him since bod, a tiny bit behind on gear, but ill get carry so its okay.
Good DPS as a shammy?
Elemental can pump nasty damage and me being a parse/top dps meter lover i enjoy it.
good gear
You too kind, my azerite need some ilvl bumping and some trinkets and i will be good.
But at this point, gear is irrelevant with the coming patch
Hoping for some good story turns in the next patch
The war campaign ending sucks man, like what the point of me being loyalist lol, some blabla and bam go back serve the new horde warchier or w/e, i wanted to kill important people of my faction. Even 8.2 story didnt make a whole senses lol
I hope next patch wont be as bad, but I’m not too hype tbh, new titanforge system woo, prob have stupid balancing issues.
Not quite thru the horde story yet, but I’m doing loyalist too
Hoping with momma nelf sounding a little mad, we bunnies get to be a little baaad
and it couldn’t come soon enough
wanders in
Howdy good folks. Hope you all are having a good day.
Had a phone interview that went incredible that could have me moving back to my home town and state!
Big time excited. /dances
Beware the Horde of killer bunnies, here they’re devouring their victim
Gratz, hope it all falls into place for you
Awesome video. Will send that to a friend of mine thinking of getting a bunny or two. Lol.
Awesome news
Where about’s u originally from?
mmmm humans
overwhelm him with cuteness my sisters muahahahahaha
Las Vegas. NV.
Miss the place.