GD Lounge # Reforged

thank you

I’m udderly moooooved to be here :smiley:

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no sign of the rogue yet. maybe soon :slight_smile:

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“I got my Tauren up to level 6 in one day. I was surprised it happened so fast. I just wanted to get to Thunder Bluff, so I could get mail on her. I sent her those bags, cause she was the only Horde one I had left that didn’t have any.”

“Turns out, Bloodhoof Village had a mailbox, that I kept missing.”


Yeah, that’s a bit of a walk from bloodhoof to Thunder Bluff. Pretty walk though :slight_smile:

Lots of dwarves to smash on one side and goblins on the other :smiley:

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“I just went down the middle of the road, and hoped the wolves didn’t see me.”

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ooo yeah, they do get a little on the frisky side.
They really need to eat more dwarf


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“Yeah. I prefer she NOT to be turned into Steak Tar Tar…” >.>

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Iron is good for the diet, so they’d do better dining on the dark irons anyway


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lol yeah, I know…old joke :smiley:

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off to get poked by the real life healers /giggle /groan

back in a few :smiley:


(Cyndilou gets comfortable, and waits for your return.)



me healthy

doc’s gonna live too /evil giggle :slight_smile:

yeah, I’m a baaaaad patient :smiley:


Dances around the lounge.

Yay! after weeks of waiting my toon finally appears on the forum.


wooohooo an izzynelf :slight_smile:
/happy dance :slight_smile:

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they found the person behind the ddos attacks and has been arrested


“I got my Troll half way to level 9. She has a bit of silver now too.”

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woohooo :slight_smile:

Very nice :smiley:

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“I got bored, and just ran around killing things. Did some fishing too.”

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some things need a good blasting :slight_smile:

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