GD Lounge # Reforged

/running pounce
/tentacle huggle

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Sooo true

Hello there wonderful fleb :slight_smile:

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Hello my favorite sinner!

Hey love, how u doing!


“You ready for your day?”

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Riding out the weather. Happy it’s Friday too :slight_smile:

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Aye, got my coffee and my mind is ready! Will be quite occupy, hopefully not in meetings all day!

I hope that the weather don’t bring big damage where you live with the hurricane! I’m happy too that its friday, i can play wow when i come back 8)


“Hope you have a good, productive, day.”

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Awn thank you darling


Storm hooked a little more east than originally expected. Couple thousand without power, could have been worse.

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Reporter just now

“and the chesapeake bay bridge has level two restrictions, so that means no motorcycles…alright who would ride a motorcycle on that bridge in this weather”:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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(Mistress Sin yawns, and wanders off to bed.)
/tentacle wave
/sleepy smile

sleep well :slight_smile:

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Wake up & play WoW!


I like the thinking :smiley:

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comes out of a wall again
I have more pancakes! Eat up!
Sets out glasses of infernal punch with carrot juice in it to attract the Izzybunny


Shadow steps behind Sanlay hugging him from behind. Nose twitches, long bunny ears flicker. Looks at the pancakes, and Inferno Punch, :heart_eyes: :yum:

Dances around pushes Sanlay down onto a chair, sitting on him, so he can’t leave. Grins and tries to shove the entire stack of pancakes into her mouth. Hello! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::carrot::pancakes:

Unleashes Arcano’hol bunny, who proceeds to bounce madly around the lounge hitting Necro proceeding to send them both tumbling across the floor.


/looks up from her corner table

You sure do know how to make an entrance my sister in sneakyness

/raises a pint in salute


pillow pile seems to be calling me early tonight

good night all :slight_smile:

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/peeks inside


Sanlay doesn’t even flinch, he’s so used to being tackled he chuckled at Izzy trying to fit an entire stack in her mouth
Now, now, smaller bites there Dinobunny.
I’m glad you enjoy the pancakes but no reason to choke on them.