GD Lounge # Reforged

/starts up the coffee pot for the evening :smiley:

*** Rogue stealthing sound ***


happy times :smiley:

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only if your the Rogue is it happy times
i have already left zones because of them lol


gankfest eh? bummer :frowning:

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I have fond memories of STV on a PvP Server with my undead priest getting mercilessly camped by Rogues, Druids and Hunters.

90% of them were Night Elves, I remember hating Night Elves a lot for quite some time until around WoD where I rolled this Reaper Bunny DK.


a single Rogue can stop be from questing all night and usually that’s what happens


so i’ve learned some ways of the darkside recently if i distract them with a wave and cheer emote at the same time pop a shadow word pain they sometimes don’t notice and just go about their business!

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The goddess will be pleased :slight_smile:

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good night folks :slight_smile:


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Hello there

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Good Morning :slight_smile:

(Mistress Sin wanders in.)

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Greetings from soggy Virginia :slight_smile:

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“Glad to see you are still able to connect.”

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Power loss not bad in the area - so far anyway :slight_smile:

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“Good to hear.”

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Winds are a little lower than expected. So that’s helping

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“It burned a lot of it’s energy out in The Bahamas.”

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