GD Lounge # Reforged

“It getting closer? Last I looked, it was still a Cat. 2. That change yet?”

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It’s back to a weak 3

Should be a glancing blow with 6-8 inches of rain.

I just tend to trust weathermen like I trust politicians /giggle

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/comforting tentacle huggle

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3 named storms in the atlantic at the same time

…and I work with some scholars who still don’t believe in climate change


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“Oh, the fools.”

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My area isnt flood prone, so even if this thing takes a surprise left turn I should be ok. Got plenty of spam, peanut butter, batteries.

Recharging some old broken lap tops I keep as backup cell phone batteries this morning /giggle

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“If you vanish for too long, I’ll check on you.”

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cool :slight_smile:

yeah I figure to be online chatting a bit more :slight_smile:

most of the heavy stuff will be daylight hours it seems. 7am-1pm tommorow

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“I hope it goes well.”

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it should. You know how it goes - just need to prep incase Gaia makes this a bigger mess than it already it, she doesn’t seem too happy with us humans these days

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“I don’t blame her. She gives us warnings, and those in power ignore her, until it’s too late.”

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yep, them fools put short term profits above all.

Ahh well, one battle at a time. In a funny way power out wont be too bad of a thing this weekend, I need the quiet time to write up a couple of environmental proposals for my church fair next year…lol

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I think I got a donor for some very nice bins for a dedicated recycling point at my fair. Very bright colored, standoutish - broken down by product. Just need the environmental committee to come up with volunteers to run what comes in to the nearest recycling drop off point.

they’re a bit of an older crew - but hoping they can scrounge up or commit to getting me some volunteers for running stuff

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lol, so the air force checked out of town for ohio, the navy air wing has gone south west. Ships that could get up steam are out of the harbor.

and the local school board will decide by noon time if they should call off school tomorrow…yeah, we got brilliant people there too /giggle

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yep. /giggle

and this is the same school board that normally cancels on just a rumor of snow

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ok, all things are set. Now to just get the popcorn and watch the rain /giggle

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“Make a lot of pop corn, that rain could last a long time.”
/comforting tentacle hug

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yep, looks like outer edge will be here after lunch. Gone like a bad house guest tommorow noon-ish

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“A BAD House Guest is the kind that over stays their welcome. Don’t hope for that one.” >.>

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