I’ve been on the internet too long. /ahem.
I think it has to do with that question about the positive aspects we ascribe to animals. Dog=Loyalty Cat=Mystery, that sort of thing. Though most people’s spirit animal seems less “positive aspect” and more the ability to eat a cake and wash it down with an entire bottle of wine. Not mine though, my spirit animal gets a sore tummy just thinking about that.
I hear there is a big chunk of grind to get though in FF14 too. I mean leveling will probably be not so bad when it’s all new, but I’ve been warned.
Make sure to have benadryl on hand.
Well this year along with the spiky demon ship that leaves a giant trail of fire, they are also including Klingon demon themed abilities. like “Torment of the Underworld” which is the shield ignoring aoe DoT I was talking about. I blame the popularity of the Krampus.
8.1 is next week? Hmm might have to see that, apparently it’s when the meatwagon is available to players.
Well they are suposed to be dropping a bigger hint when patch 4.5 rolls out. I have no idea when that is, only that the expansion in the summer is 5. So sometime between now, and then.
What do you take for serious allergic reactions?
Well there are class skills, and then you have a “kit” frame that you can slot five other skills in.
Weird that would be on the HoTS reddit. It’s all just borrowed time until this expac ends.
It’s not easy being a spider.
It’s because naga are born to hug.
I mean even the chance of Viera is worth some hype. I’m also interested in blue mages but I can hardly remember if I ever really played final fantasy 5. I’m sure I saw it, but the real specifics of the class?
Just play it safe as far as being able to get the stuff off quick if you have a reaction again.
Science officer, Engineering officer, Tactical officer. My Romulan is Tac, my Orion is Sci. Tac is sort of weapons and crit based, and sci is healing and space wizardry. Engineering is a lot of turrets but I think my npc crew does just as good at placing turrets.
Hmm so do you think it’s true?
People will poke back in the next time around, but there is less room for error. That good will buffer needs a lot of work to come back. Yea games are there to make money, but they are also a hobby. People react differently to their hobby being messed with than they do to a new flavor of cheerios. Players like the setting, but they also build up a trust in the devs who they believe love the same game that they do. When that trust is eroded and the players think the Devs are only there to pad the wallets of the investors, then the players lose that personal investment. At that point people stop being a “WoW Player” and become people that sometimes play WoW. It’s like Walmart, people shop there, but no one is going to defend the brand. Back when Diablo 2 came out, I would certainly have defended Blizzard as a brand.
I see, very specialized stuff. What’s the most fun ability you have?
Yes it is true, it’s on the bNet launcher now.
Blizz did build a lot of brand loyalty over the years, I mean they have a giant convention for their own products only that fans go to like flies. However seems they are really shattering their rep in general lately. Oh well you reap what you sow.
everyone is evil, christians as well. As long as we live in this body. as to how someone who believes in christ and can play a violent game simply confirms their human nature, its not justifiable but it is reconcilable. hypocrisy is in all people, but because we are not yet perfect, we strive for it. As days go by, people will be tried and will find what is right and what is wrong, as their spiritual life progresses they will do the things that please God rather than themselves.
as to talking to people in other places, that falls under holiness. Holiness is striving to be like God, who rains on the just and unjust who gave his life for sinners yet he himself didn’t sin. Basically, be like God but not separate from others. Strive not to sin, while helping and talking to sinners. its not a total separation, nor is it a way for christians to not talk to people, but it is imperative for christians to talk to sinners, and all people. To bring conversion or simply to show love, understanding or help.
A white tiger? Did your spirit animal tour with Siegfried and Roy?
/writes Averyx down as a fox person.
Rabbit in the moon makes sense for the culture.
I’m sure there is a reddit yes, but reddit…
Right now worry is my default state. I need a lot of really good sleep, and probably something that is both chocolaty, and minty.
Iconians are a pretty angry group. They are pretty good at manipulating space and energy though. That solar gate is terrible to deal with in space.
Evil or not it was a tradition, and when traditions go out the window things unravel.
I’m still running Holiday events. Super metal fishing starts in a minute.
The Iconians are angry due to a time loop. Most of their race died when someone shut off the gate that they were using to evacuate their planet. That person shut off the gate because the iconians in the future would blow up their planet in revenge for closing off the gate in the past.
It’s related to just that.
I like Romulans, but Orions are interesting. Orions are known to be prolific slavers, but they don’t enslave people for work, they enslave people to pamper them. Yes Orions enslave people to spoil them. Orion prestige is based on your ability to spoil the people around you. You spoil your family, then your friends, and then you get slaves and spoil them too. That way you can show just how great you are because even your slaves are living better than anyone else.
I find it very silly. There’s also that crazy pheromone that only Orion ladies make that messes with people’s heads. ie the story excuse for why they don’t wear a lot of clothing.
Especially if there were spooky ghost murlocs.
Well there is this one right now, and then the New Life event in ESO on the 14th, then the neverwinter event on the 20th…that with any luck I will miss the start of. Not sure if there is one in Conan. Need to look for the one over in Secret World so I can finish the stuff to get the crown of Hel finished. Need to look for skins in the Overwatch one, and poke my head into GW2 just as an excuse to run around in victorian winterwear. Probably a few others.