GD Lounge # Reforged

Well, she actually has an official armorless mode

I see, /Keeps holding
So any good dreams during your nap?

A fox spirit priestess? Unexpected.

No dreams at all. I will be glad when this run of antibiotics is over to see if that has been part of the issue.

I will never get tired of this ad!

Now I know that if you took the time to watch, you have a great big smile on your face! :smile:

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Well, she is based on a holy fox spirit.

She also lost her armor at the end of Digimon 3 to send it as power to one of her friends

I see, hopefully soon. Is the throat better?

Wasnā€™t aware those were a thing. Amaterasu from Okami was a wolf, and thought there was a fox spirit, she was the tricky and kind of lewd fox spirits that Iā€™m more used to seeing.

Maybe? I still have a bad cough when Iā€™m off on the time of the next dose.

Apparently her name comes from the cherry tree blossom princess. Which is considered the avatar of life in Japanese culture.

Certainly foxes are usually the lewd kind and she definitely has some lewd herself, but as any animal they can also be revered spirits, at least for foxes, when they have lived so long they have gotten their 9 tails and attained that much wisdom.

I see, that sucks, does it bother when you talk?

Soā€¦I told my friend about the HotS event, he thought Blizz was gonna give us actual real life toys for playing the game /facepalm

It also shows up a lot in samurai stuff because the cherry blossom is temporary. Sort of a memento mori deal.

Lewd digimon? Well anything from the internet is tainted. JK, but still she doesnā€™t seem nearly as lewd as ninetails from Okami.

Not as much as just allergies at this point. I need to switch to a better tea.

Heh, I guess they werenā€™t paying close attention. I canā€™t see Blizzard sending physical items to players for in game participation.
I mean there was that statue, but the over all cost was minimal vs the amount of cash players had put in keeping their sub going for a decade. HoTS doesnā€™t have a sub, so it would be a net loss for some vague marketing.

Anyway itā€™s late so Iā€™m going to try more of that sleep thing.
Be well little waggle.

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"Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence? "

Sleep well bella /huuuuuggggsssss

Will show you lewd digimon tomorrow.

i cannot believe a real Christian would play WoWā€¦
or hang out on its forumsā€¦
too much evil stuff ingameā€¦

i live in terror of darkness and evil and even terror of the light and the eye of society and judgement of society and judgement of God and so onā€¦

my life sucks. am i a sinner, i donā€™t know. feels like i might be the original sinner, honestly. maybe iā€™m the serpent or something. iā€™m so tired of describing myself in negatives, i am not negative. i only say these things in some vain desperate attempt to make friends and fit into a social web that like all webs is just a trap for prey, the prey being people who believe thereā€™s a benefit to conforming or some friends to be made amongst the predators.

/pretends anyone cares about him
/lights himself on fire, whee Immolation Aura
/is sad
maybe someday someone will love me
I doubt it though

/Gives cookie to Gnarlsbeth

/dips cookie in my scars
yum cookies that are me
/eats me-cookie


no one ever gives me cookiesā€¦

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There was a mage I recall who use to give cookies I think.

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there was a Forsaken that did too :slight_smile:

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Maybe they are a Forsaken Mage

i use to give out appletinis but that got out of hand XD

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Apple Schnapps sounds like ice cream topping.

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