GD Lounge # Reforged

Still missing the shoulders, and probably gloves.

/curls up in box.

Seems you have has an exciting day. Guess it’s not too cold there?

There is always stuff that can be done, but I’m too sore and tired for the moment.

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Shoulders are the best thing and the hardest to get it seems.


I don’t think that’s exciting, just busy perhaps, in any case I’m home. Weather is actually pretty fine right now, but it might rain later as most nights lately.

Fair enough. /Holds
Wonders if hug

So I imagine everything is very christmassy over there now? have you seen many adornments around?

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I have a feeling they would look better on your fighter than they do on my nelf, but i’m committed to finishing the set.

So December is rainy weather?

/threatens to web
/rests on…/Huggles a little.

Nothing is particularly Chistmassy. There are snowflake decorations, but they are pretty non specific. The only places that are super Christmas are the retail places, and they started on Halloween.

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On Fliare you say? I’ve seen them on nelves, they look good.

It’s random weather.

/Keeps holding and keeping safe

I see, will you put decorations along the month?

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Well it’s more that it just feels a little odd being a nelf in a very human set of armor. I mean its really just posh warcraft footman armor.

Random is a weather type I understand.

I appreciate it.

Oh I had thought about putting up my tree during the weekend. It releases calming nostalgia waves. I’ve got my romulan ornaments all ready.

It certainly is. Yeah I know what you mean, it’s a bit annoying how some stuff just fits certain race or class.

It seems to be a common type, as annoying as that is.
/Wraps us both in a cozy blanket

Heh, will be a great tree. Any new ornament you’d like to put there?

throws wine soaked glitter fritters

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Well deathknights get a lot of themed gear normally. It seems more this expansion where class gear is not as simple.

Getting more common.
Just woke up from a nap

I feel like I had an ornament idea, but I can’t seem to remember it.

Yeah, with this it would seem the basic classes. Warrior, Hunter, Rogue and Mage get the most options.

Even weather submits to the RNG Boss.
How was your nap?

That happens! Do you like reindeer and that kind of stuff as ornaments?

Also HotS revealed the event!

It’s so cute!!! look at the video.

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Is that hazardous?

Seems the way to get more choice is to not have a theme. /shrug

Wildfires, or yearly once in 500 year floods are a terrible reward table.
Not really planned, so not so much refreshing as I would have liked.

I have my basic array of glass orbs and plastic reindeer. I like putting in little interesting items just to see if people notice.

I saw…I’m not sure that I’m really interested in any of it. Good luck on getting that floofy unicorn.

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Guess it’s the price for being special.

Is more like punishment RNG.
I see, well at least you got some rest, seems like you needed it.

Hehehe that’s cute and clever. Any example of a little interesting item?

Yeah, I like the unicorn, stitches skin also looks cute. Now to wait for OW to reveal their winter stuff.

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The price of them not having any idea on what to do with deathknights since…MoP?

Such is life.
Yea, now I could use some caffeine.

Christmas Sasquatch will be devastated you don’t think she is interesting.

It’s still stitches. One of those moves made a rather unpleasant green cloud. I think that teddy bear needs to be washed with bleach.
Yep, but OW tends to not show so much of what we will get until right before the patch. Wouldn’t expect much until like the 20th.
Widowmaker for Christmas sounds good.

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Monks are on the same boat. And lately Demon Hunters might be even worse.

/Puts “Life is suffering” sticker on the lounge
/Gives Dr. Pepper
So, in the end did you check other coffee options?

But you didn’t mention her before!

It vomits glitter now though.
Hope we get the patch earlier to have more time to get the goodies. Also because they are severely nerfing Brigitte on next patch and that’s really overdue.
Mmm What would you like as a christmas Widowmaker skin?

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Yea the hero classes aren’t ageing well.

Well the person who has to remove that from the wall is going to be suffering.
Yea and they messed things up too, so I just have had to stop drinking it.

I guess I didn’t. I thought I did up in the post with the romulans, but well I blame the romulans.

I hate glitter.
I thought they already nerfed her. Their asymmetric nerfing style is really problematic.
Well I’m not after an ugly sweater, but more of a casual Widowmaker similar to her Cote d’Azur skin.

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They just made them too thematic for the expac and then forgot to actually carry on and expand the theme.

I bet it’s a panda or a blood elf.
I’m really sorry to hear that, how do you get your caffeine now?

Always blame the Romulans. Are their ships your favorite on Star trek?

I do too, but it’s better than actual vomit.
Asymmetric? what do you mean?
Yeah, definitely, sleek is what fits her. A sweater would probably fit Mei.
People are now asking for a Rein-deer skin for Reinhardt.

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Draws a diagram explaining why classes need continued support even after the expac they are thematic to has ended
The drawings are of puppies

Neither of those groups is responsible enough to care to clean up the lounge.

I don’t, I’m just tired and angry now…And I still can’t sleep.

I play a romulan, so I blame the ferengi.
Yea romulan ships have a pleasing hull design. There isn’t any need for aerodynamics in space, but I’ve never been a big fan of the flying plate design of federation ships.

I mean there are characters that everyone knows are OP, but because they are not the shiny new thing they don’t mess with them. The stuff that gets nerfed is what is in the spotlight at the time.

I think he would make a better santa than a reindeer.

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Puppies make all the diagrams better.

Both can tricked into it though!

Do you have any ideas for it, or maybe are thinking on something else to have all the time?

Haha yeah I get what you mean, it looks odd.

I see, for now it seems most people agree that Brigitte and Doomfist are OP and they are getting nerfed so that’s good. I think Roadhog needs a bit tone down too.

Would be more fitting, but less punny.

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The next Kirby game should have Kirby be White with Rainbow Veins like Kirby Star Allies’ True Final Boss: Void and face off against Parallel Meta Knight and Parallel Dedede!

It should also be 3D!

chrisp derps in. tho you are repulsed by his presence, you do your best to ignore him
