GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Thinking I am going to be burned alive cured it lol.

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I am shrinking and getting out of here.

You’re pregnant, and you have to go on Maury to find out who the father/ mother is.

If that doesn’t work, try bending over and drinking out of a glass from the opposite side of how one normally drinks out of a glass.

“Hold a Pencil between your teeth, and drink some water. Works for me every time.”

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I made two new gif’s


What the?! O.o

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Grand Witch Magistrate Gruntilda(who barged into the last GD Longue to start a grand Witch Hunt to burn rival Witches at the stake) burning Mërlina alive at the stake(seems the Witch Hunt is not yet over) cured her hiccups it seems… A good scare always cures hiccups apparently according to legends(not that I believe these legends since I’m sure scares causing hiccups themselves is more likely).


I don’t like being scared unless I’m watching a horror film or playing scary video game uwu


Yeah but the voice said ‘If I find out’

Find out what? That’s ominous af


/wicked giggle

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raise your arms above your head.
just… straight up in the air.

i haven’t had it fail yet.
it’s the only thing which has ever worked for me.

(i’m 6 hours late, but keep it in the back of your brain for next time!)


long and busy day… i spent ALL DAY out and about… thought i was just going for bloods and an ultrasound, turned into bloods, ultrasound, podiatrist, and 1st pfizer.
i spent 7 hours plonking around in stores between appointments, otherwise i would have to drive home and back again constantly.
i got nothing done at home until after 6.

cabinets are out of their boxes!
need to be anchored to wall, blacklight will need a new bracket so it hides neatly.
then clean them, and put the shelves in before i can fill them with treasure! :grinning:

the original plan was to put the lamp table between them, but i forgot i was going to need space on the window-wall side to get in to load the left cabinet.
so now they’ll sit like this, and i’ll get a floor lamp with multiple globes which can be focused on different shelves.
(walls look pinkish… it’s just the light, the globe wasn’t warmed up when i took the pic)

this is exciting… the room is almost a room!! :star_struck:


Thursday I’m doing a name change for my orc, I feel Onatah is more Tauren than orc. I’m terrible thinking of female orc names.

I guess I will keep watching and see how the story ends, so if anyone asks I will be the one to answer.

My friends who are not in game anymore deserve an answer if they want to know.


Fixed that for you!

On a happier note, just called the company I applied to Thursday just to see if my resume had been recieved and ended up having a phone screening!

Light willing, I’ll recieve an email in 2-3 days to schedule an interview!


Have some shaman luck :sweat_drops:

riptide :ocean:


Awesome news gnomey

/starts dancing and hoping happily around the lounge :rabbit2: :rabbit2:


I’d offer the blessings of Elune as well

But she seems a wee bit off her A game these days /blush



Remember kids, do at least 1 wing of lfr or one +2 mythic on your alts

Can get 5 korthia crystals from the vault

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How is LFR these days

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