“I’m gonna necro this 2+ years old thread and post some nonsense just to bump the old thread that Blizzard won’t lock”
“Too many buttons”
“noclip flying”
Definitely agree with the Disneyland / Need more sweaty masculine men and “woke” spots as well.
“It sounds like a you problem”
“skill issue”
Oh! When I read “boulders” I was thinking the kind you turn in your rock slabs for at a bad exchange rate.
One already exists for the LGBT Thread so maybe could provide some ideas
“The game’s dead.”
“LFR and Dungeon Finder should be removed from the game.”
“Slap in the face” - I know, it’s been said, but it deserves to be said again (and again, and again, honestly, it kinda makes me smile to see it turn up sometimes).
LGBTQIAXYZPDQ by the T-squad - enough for a category in itself
sky swimming vs. dragongliding
“I hate X [faction, race, class] AND THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY THEM!!!”
Also mythic rading, mythic plus, solo content, oh, and certain races.
“I love Void Elves! Please add more non-Void Elf customizations so I can look more like a High/Blood Elf!”
blizz can do nothing wrong
blank disrespects player’s time
flag bombed
hello im gaahr
Did we fill up our card yet?
“git gud”
“It’s a skill issue”
There may need to more than one Bingo for different categories. Wow Forum Bingo: Dev Edition some like that would cover blue post, dev interviews, and Blizz cons. The way things are going now you may sometimes get bingo with one post.
buzzwords: outraged, strawman, toxic, disney, broken, pay to win
Sendryn starting a fight might as well be a free space