'Gargon Training Manual' drop rate broken?

I’ve been trying to get the Gargon Training Manual to drop, from Huntmaster Petrus, but I only seem to get everything else but the training manual.

I made sure that I’m in the BM spec. I’ve also checked my bags and my bank, in case it showed up there and I just wasn’t seeing it.

Is it just a really low drop rate? Or am I that unlucky with the RNG gods? The reason I ask is that most of the posts I’ve seen regarding the manual have said that it’s “guaranteed”.

Hmm. I would say maybe post this in the Bug Forum. You’re more likely to receive replies there and bring it to Blizzard’s attention if it is indeed a bug.

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That’s a good idea. I didn’t really think about posting there. Thank you for your suggestion.

I got mine first try a couple of days ago. Didn’t even know it was a thing. I’m survival spec, so that has nothing to do with it.


Must be a ton of people wrong then, if you got it with MM spec.

I’m going to have to try it in every spec and see if it’s just a bug. I did place a similar post in the right ‘bug’ forum but haven’t had any response from a blue yet.

I do wonder… are you Venthyr, or a different covenant? It’s a possible factor.

Also, not surprised you got no reply on the bug forum. The past week was by far the busiest I’ve ever seen the bug forum. :exploding_head:

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I’m with the Night Fae. I didn’t even stop to think those covenant choices could potentially impact whether or not the book drops. I really hope not, but I also haven’t come across any posts that mentioned either way.

Very true about the no reply on the bug forum. I’m sure they really wanna get back to my petty post. :rofl:

I noticed that as well…topics just vanish there atm.

#Beast Mastery, Talent: Animal Companion - hidden aura

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