Games going to die next year

WoW won’t likely bring in any masterpiece expansion at this point. They’ll keep tacking on new expansions likely for another decade and improving the engine but it’ll never be as amazing or popular as it once was.

WoW is the McDonalds of MMO’s at this point. It can try to renovate, redesign, and even make things seem fancy but it’s still McDonalds.

If I don’t believe the doom sayers prosthetizing out on the street every few years why would I believe you? Those crazy prosthetizers seem to be pretty on the ball…

that is why WotLK Classic vs Dragonflight for this last months of the year, it will be an incredible fight, we do not know how he will win, but due to the response of the community through the long queues such as waiting 144 min in Faerlina, I think they prefer the casual of casuals, as well as something tells me that this is the result of a majority of people who tried WotLK on a pirate server and are just playing the official one to know that good times never die.

And believe me, until now I still think my first ICC 25N to kill Lich King, it really was an exciting part of my life in WoW no matter I play on a pirate server.

Dragonflight. Honestly it’s not even going to be close

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I’m happy people are excited about being able to relive Wrath on official Blizz supported servers but it won’t be the savior of WoW. WoW needs to move forward and learn from its past while it does so. Wrath was fun but it also wasn’t perfect.


I have mixed feelings about DF, but I’ll give it the benefit of doubt. Kind of a “wait and see” for me. I’m kind of bummed out over the feedback I’ve read about my favorite class so far (disc priest) and I’m hoping it’s better than what many people say thus far . One can only hope.

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Forget Powerball, I just need a nickel for every time this kind of thing is mentioned. . . .

The best I can do is an old Mariah Carey cassingle

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Isn’t the world gonna end in like 8 years according to the rich getting richer off climate scams.

we are already 2 friend, those new centaurs and the new race lizard wings stinks of woke agenda, and it is another reason why he does not want to see that expansion, I will only use my token for farmer, apart from that in Retail together with my alters I will complete the journey each one in each expansion and its route in order experienced different ways in classes, faction and professions as it is the difference only the time of my life and my money allows me to continue playing it.

or have a new experience, as it was with MoP and Legion, 2 expansions that more of the system and the environment, the classes and the gameplay changed the content, it’s like being the DH was a different experience than the usual paladin or mage, where it was faster more violent and versatile seeing hack & slash gameplay like Devil May Cry and God of War and setting itself to other classes that were slow moving like seeing the hunter who only shoots arrows.

But suddenly they returned to the usual, a vanilla style that removed that violent habit to the norm and between nerfs it was the same again.

That is why classes are needed not so similar to the Demon hunter, but that are entertaining and active as not to bore him as well as lords who dare to have a mature environment, because that of peace and exploration does not give much in more time, thing that ends when your PJ is at a higher ilvl and the only thing you have to do is do pvp, mythic + and Raids in such a short time of the duration of the expansion.

which is another reason that leaves the expansion in doubt, and how it will end, since WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP and Legion proved to give an epilogue regardless of whether it leaves many doubts or not, but they were exciting to copy another LotR reference while others blame Afriasabi from turning Sylvanas into a villain while Danuser made it even worse by giving her a redemtion arc while ruining the plot of Warcraft 3 characters while Arthas became Bob Goblin fart.

That’s why the game has been around for a long time, all I’m saying is that you have to wait for the detail of the classic vs retail.

I mean that’s fine I don’t doubt that classic has a devoted fan base

But there’s no way in maw classic keeps its playerbase when df comes

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guy probably says this every year. Will next year and after that

Then when the game finally shuts down he’ll be all like “SEE! I called it!” Like he’s Nostra-freakin-damus or something.

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Have they announced a date? Does Microsoft know? Poor Bill Gates or whoever.

Who was the one man?

It’s like Doomsday Predictions. We just survived another one on the 25th.

“Watch your clever mouth, Trustlvlfour!”

I mean, they censored everything and flipped off casuals.

Maybe the leafy dragon can bring WoW back to life when it dies next year?

Crap. I just bought that for like $5.


“World of WarCraft. - Topping the Heart Charts Since 2004.”

You are forgetting about Animal Crossing. Do not underestimate Tom Nook. He could buy and sell us all.

Whoa. What was WoW trying to do, fold a fitted sheet?

Is this worth playing? Can I be Grogu?


Imagine the dracthyr wearing little boots! There should be boots for Hogrus as well!

Hi, Asmongold.


Unless they added something new with the most recent expansion I do not believe so. Its pretty fun for the solo story stuff, can’t say much about the group content though personally.

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Seeing as how classic never can compete with retail and Dragonflight is coming soon one game truly shall die and when it does will be glorious all the classic servers die off and again be merged into another mega.

Yes! There should be!

Make it so, blizz. Cosmetic options for piggehs!

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It is half dead for me , I’ve deleted my second account , only one left with 2 chars so if DF is as bad as SL that will be it for me

There were several over the weekend. Massive solar flare, global floods, incinerated cities, rapture… Might be missing some.

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which game is he talking about