Game over -CE 6M (broodkeeper killed)|8/8N| 8/8H- looking for mages|Ret pal| Hpal | Enhsham| Hevoker|+alldps

updated to add R sham, R druid and ranged.

Would not recommend to join this guild. lol

Just look at wow progress people constantly joining and leaving.

im sorry you had a negative experience with one of our teams, but im sure theres better things to do with your time than stalk our (2-3) recruitment posts and post on your warlock alt instead of the rogue, who quit mid-raid because he didnt like a DK making a suggestion. best of luck in your search for a place to play.

seeking DISC priest / Hpal / 2 arc mages / boomkin / Rdruid

updated and bumper stickers

bumpin jumpin

terros down! 2 raz kills. updated

terros down! aotc last week, 2 r az kills. updated

still looking for mages, Rdruid, boomkin and Rsham, Discpiriest

mages, Rdruid, boomkin and Rsham, Discpiriest, warlock

seeking more healers and an enh shammy!

spider down

still lf mages, disc priest, enh shammy

looking for dragons, where are you?

updated needs. if youre not on the list ask anyway, always lfm!

updated. LFM of all classes and specs.

added ret pally for a full time slot

looking for a windwalker/ mistweaver.

5M - kureg down

6M, broodkeeper down, dathea skipped