Game is so buggy what is going on?

Yeah maybe, maybe not.


ive done this stuff and nothing has helped. i dont play with addons anymore since ui rework.

why does everyone here have to give nasty responses to stuff


Have you tried box breathing?

Four seconds in.

Four seconds hold.

Four seconds out.

Four seconds hold.

Repeat four times.

It can really help calm you.

I had a slight glitch on my Vulpera Priest coming back into Org from completing my Daily Quest.

My character simply froze and turned sideways to the direction of travel. It lasted for about 1 second and then I was running again but quite a distance from where the glitch occurred.

I have also experienced pixiling in some scenes as I travel thru them.

if youre having game issues you need to post in tech support forums. general discussion can do absolutely nothing for you. that is why youre not getting a warm welcome. also when you give responses like this

to a person trying to be helpful, we’re not the ones giving nasty responses. also that other guy that’s on your side is making you both look rather bad too, so

That’s why I said perhaps.

really? Feels like they are just making fun of me to be honest whatever

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Know a fun new bug I found? I found out if you alt-tab and [Insert mystery trigger here] I can NO LONGER JUMP?

Not only does the “no jump” bug happen (a little less common, once per day) but ever since legion alt tabbing rapidly makes me unable to use items by clicking them in my bag!

I’d report it in bug forums/CS forum but all that happens when I go there is a bunch of nerds tell me to delete my entire computer since that’s the one and only answer for EVERY bug in this game.

Yes, the bugs EVERYONE is experiencing is just because I like to play tetris with my wow folders, I’m so dumb for not knowing how to use Blizzard’s INFALLIBLE creation! Totally my fault, not on blizzard’s end at all…

willing to bet they were being sarcastic. I have seen them post about the same issues. They’ve been supportive on tech support as well I believe.

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can’t say i would blame them at this point

Ya that’s why we just had 5 people all dc at once in raid a few minutes ago… think these are paid mouth pieces … always someone ready with sword in hand to defend Blizzard when someone points out a problem with this game lol Ya’ll are just too quick for it to be coinsedence.


for what? asking about issues im having?

u okay?

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Seen them in multiple threads doing the same. They are just trolling.


i already told you youre posting in the wrong forum. assuming youre not just here to troll about how wOw SuCkS NoW, go post in tech support

You are the only one trolling here.


Why don’t you go level :stuck_out_tongue:

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me? this is a forum alt, i’m not leveling it

where did I say this?

Troll alt fair enough

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here’s my previous forum main, go nuts i guess