Game introduces hot pink mail armor

The thing they had to do to bob their heads up and down?

it was from the gun movement

Heh yeah. It was neat to see in some shots they shot the floor to make a little line so they knew where to run and where to stop in some shots

Pink is this season’s black.

but now the mocap/animations are good but the old way are better

Yeah. I remember the first time I saw that big mocap fight with Tex and just how dope that was

poor grif’s balls lol
also got to love the deathbattle where boomstick is sarges son lol

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this is a pvper’s dream come true. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

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Still sad Monty passed

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Oh my god… I love it.

Ewwwww TFS :face_vomiting:

I dunno dude I think Vegeta looks great in that shirt. Only a true Saiyan Prince can wear a pink shirt and still be the most intimidating Z Fighter.


i loved vegeta in tfs they mad him more awesome lol

Human ears clipping the hood is peak aesthetic.


That really IS pink. The thread title doesn’t lie. :eyes:

I couldn’t just like your post, I have to mark it:

:joy: :rofl:

I would grind for six straight months for a BADMAN shirt.


It’s only fair that the female version of the armor also has the… Mmmmm…You know on display.

Idgaf if others think this is ugly, does anyone know how to get the pink record of this mail set?

I honestly hope this becomes a thing. Along with the Spoon shovel.

Love Pink/Purple

Edit: Did not realize this was Necro’d from 2 years ago.