Game Freezing and Occasionally Crashing

Been experiencing a very similar issue, I also have an RTX 2080 and run MSI Afterburner for fan curve. I am going to try to run without that for raid tonight and see what happens. I also get the error from this recent post in my gx.log file:

I am running Windows 11 so I am not sure if I can run the game as DX11, I have tried and it always reboots into DX12.

Well, I believe the culprit was RivaTuner. After uninstalling it and playing for most of the day, I haven’t had the problem occur, whereas it was occurring at least every 15 min before. I will update if the problem happens again, but I think it’s finally fixed!

Thank you so much for all the help Elocin.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Game is often freezing and unresponsive

I’m experiencing a very similar (if not the same) issue as others here are describing.

At random intervals (multiple times per hour) the game will pause/freeze. At that point,
Sometimes it will unfreeze a handful of seconds later, and I can keep playing.
Sometimes WoW will simply crash / close / disappear.
Sometimes WoW will stay frozen until I End Task via Task Manager.

Others have mentioned MSI Afterburner and Rivatuner Statistics server. I use these also, so will look into that.

So far the only reliable fix I’ve found is to switch to DirectX 11. The freezing happens with DirectX 12, but NOT DirectX 11, for whatever reason. So at least there is that. I’d like to be able to use DirectX 12 again though eventually.

I’m running a Ryzen 5900X on a Gigabyte Aorus Ultra x570, Geforce 2080 (496.13 driver). Windows 11 version 22000.282.

I had the exact same problems as you guys when trying to play WoW for first time in a few weeks.
closing msi afterburner / rivatuner seems have stopped WoW from hanging or completely freezing the last few hours.

only recently just WoW doesn’t seem to like msi afterburner as no other game of mine has this problem and WoW never did this before even tho i often have rivatuner running to quickly see temps and what not.
but regardless it seems to be a common cause based off other forums posts i’ve read too

Yeah that fixed it for me. I didn’t actually have to stop using Rivatuner or MSI Afterburner, I just had to disable the overlay options within Rivatuner. It seems like it’s something related to that overlay that was causing the issues - whatever, I don’t use the overlay anyway… never have.

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