Game Break for anyone else?

Yeah, something is going on. I have been loading characters for Pandaria world bosses and all was fine until I brought one of my mages on. Tried to port to the Vale. Comes back as Instance Not Found. Tried to go through the portal in the mages tower in SW, same thing.

it brokededed for me.


This is stupid.

Well, I guess someone tripped over a power cord or something at Blizzard HQ, gonna give it an hour and try again. Till then, Backlog!

the 3rd seal has been broken. Rapture is upon us. Repent least ye burn for all eternity!!!

also broke

servers fr said no class changes? aight bet gonna just make people unable to login

Yeah same here

ok get the pitch forks everyone we need to unite against the true end boss… patch day will not win. we shall stand togather.


It’s clearly Microsoft’s fault. Fortunately, the Torch and Pitchfork Makers’ Guild has your back, and plenty of stock to unload for an affortable price.


I was in Eastern Plaguelands, just questing. World Server Down.

It is okay.

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Jeez, gang. check you’re internet. I’m in and doing fine. I just looted that Axe so many of you want and that really rare lizard mount at the same exact time even though they drop from different places.

I’m incredibly efficient.

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sorry guys, thats my bad. i actually left my afk area and went to do something productive for the first time in days and the game couldnt handle it, ive learned my lesson.

Also got all my dream stuff done and a dig on my first toon. Maybe something broke while I was already logged in.


And transfer aborted for 1/5. I guess I’m playing the forums for now.

Stop that.

I blame Calia. Obviously this is her fault.


we pay 15 dollars a month for this btw


Same here, was logging to another toon to do soup.

umm my torch is dimmer then the guy’s infront of me can i get a new one ?