Game Break for anyone else?

i bet someone forgot to pay thier AWS bills

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im scared to log in now and see the damages

Yes you pay for it and will continue to do so. Ppl stop acting like you’re gonna take a stand and admit your helplessly whining.

i just hope the problem’s solved soon

time to start drinking another day inside and boring

yes im helplessly whining but you dont have to call me out for it LOL


My Garrisson has finally loaded, and is slowly being populated.

sstilllll cant lloginn

Let me helplessly whine how else am I gonna pass the time

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Im still being dc’d

Can’t Log in! :frowning:

this is the way

Its no a go for me as well. I got in but my ports wont work . Hearthed to Daleran no port worked. whats the problem.

yes mine broke trying to run a TW dung.

it put my character where i never even was, kicked me in the valdrakken bmah and i logged into to being in a random leveling zone

Yeah, still won’t load in for me either. Off to Destiny 2 I go…I guess. Lol

It happens a lot in high population realms, cant log in ( Area52 )

I am now stuck in between a loading screen and flying then back to loading. Repeating of course

im in med pop LS its not just high pop =(

yup. I got the message that the “World Server is down”