GAIZ! I can save WoW! ♥

If they put in a Murloc race (especially for Alliance) I would cry tears of joy.


I made a joke about a new class next xpac when it dawned on me


That’s what Blizz is going to do to make everyone forget about this year. 1 or 2 new races, new class, and presto “what legal trouble” as everyone forgets and starts arguing about the lore of whatever they say they are going to add, what they should have added, how they didn’t listen to something someones grandma said in 1842, etc :laughing:

Playable murlocs might actually get me to pvp, so I could kill as many as possible!
That said, ogres would be ok, but what I really want are saberon, dangit. Tiger, lion, black leopard, all ready to go with names and everything, sadly unlikely though.
I’d also happily make a few dragonkin characters if they made those as well, and also gargoyles. Thank you, good day

But do you like killing them?!

This person just wants attention…

“For those unaware, the Dragon Isles were a scrapped zone north of Tirisfal Glades planned for vanilla WoW.”

Well… you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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Just because it was planned and never completed doesn’t mean we all can’t wish for it! :slight_smile: hell, people are still talking about the new dances that never made it into Wrath

expansion title?

World of Warcraft: The Wyrmling Cascade

If this means Jinyu, I would resub and reinstall in a heartbeat

For those unaware, the Shadowlands was a scrapped end game zone planned for Vanilla WoW.

I’m not sure how that means I want attention?

WoD proved that Ogres could be smart. :stuck_out_tongue: They just choose to not use their brains, apparently. Why build an empire when you can just hang out in a cave or camp and do basically nothing?

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If Alliance had murlocs, I would make a fresh Alliance character.

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I can see them adding murlocs but not ogres just cause of the massive undertaking to resize all the door ways. Unless they made them tauren sized but then they would be kinda like fat ugly Kul Titan cousins or something.

To be fair, it could be a new clan of Ogres that could be smaller, based off the Kul Tiran rig.

Give me Vrykul, or give me death!

No murloc shall I be!!

I still wish they had been smart and made the Drust another evolutionary step between Vrykul and human to account for being shorter, about Zanda or Tauren height, but still been Vrykul. I mean, they specifically said there were Drust who sided with the Kul Tirans. Why give us randomly giant sized burly humans when we could’ve had Vrykul under the Drust name? Such a poor decision, imo.

Oh, believe you me, I was banging that drum as loudly as possible.

I like to point out that the Glowing Horn of Mead toy that turned your into one was the PERFECT size, especially if they paired them with ogres Horde side.

They could even go all out and introduce a new ROLE rather than a new class, where giants like that had specific traits utility that only they could fill for certain mechanics…

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This will be interesting. Like how we went from Vanilla to Wrath skinning Worgen in the forests of Duskwood, then suddenly things got awkward.


I’d rather this boat sink and die than have ogres or murlocs playable.
