kind of like you people that picked a day you thought blizzard said in your mind than got mad it didnt come out that day? yea crazy right lol lol lol lol lol
how much do u wanna bet classic has more active players than retail atm and thats why they announced a buff for classic then gave it to retail first LOL
I didn’t “pick a day”. I just hoped that it would be today. I also hoped that it was going to come out last week. I am going to hope it comes out next week too.
It’s more that I hate their lack of communication and their inability to use tangible terms.
If they told us from the get-go that it would come out the beginning of August, people wouldn’t complaining right now during July. See how that works?
You wanted classic, you got classic.
they said coming weeks…it’ll be here/…relax just breathe
I bet you are the life of parties.
So happy for this! Have a few new toons and this helps a lot! Thanks
Are y’all serious?
Why would they put an unannounced XP buff in the version that already has uber fast leveling and not put it in Classic at the same time, where players are waiting for such a buff we were told was coming? God, I hate Blizzard shills.
again coming weeks is coming weeks…it will get here just breath and relax or come play retail with me
Don’t need more alts to collect dust but this xp buff with also the rep buff should be a forever thing or at least 'till launch. Feels much better than what there is now.
Gotta love the undercover devs in here being the only one celebrating this lame move
Why all the rage from the classic crew? I thought leveling taking forever was what they loved
I assure you I don’t work for Blizzard.
I just created a new alt a few weeks ago and am legit happy to have an XP buff!
Is that weird? I thought people liked freebies?
There is zero reason it should not be here right now if they can put it in retail where nobody was told to expect it.
logged on to retail no buff active oh well lol
ok…keep the copium going idc lol
They teased a buff called “joyous journey” on the classic forums 28d ago…They never announced a retail buff… The issue isn’t that we did not receive the buff. The issue is that people who were never told they were getting a buff got one before the ones who were promised something. If a company goes out of their way to announce something for one demographic and then release it for another while ignoring the community they promised it to is kind of weird…
That feel… when you’ve been leveling your alts for the past 2 weeks…
I guess this will help carry me over the finish line, I lose momentum around level 40.
It is interesting. Just when you think there is no way you can be surprised anymore…surprise…
The fact you take issue with a free buff shows what an entitled brat you are. The classic buff is still coming. Stop being such a crybaby