FYI 8.2 seems to be breaking sound mods

Nobody seems to be talking about the real reason to mod your sound files.


Blizzard really dropped the ball by replacing them with the nerfgun noises we have now.


Did they give a reason for what I consider a complete and total brain dead move? I mean at this point I’ve had to turn game sound off.


I am done with this game, they screwed up my collection of races and classes with their rediculous new class specific animations, they have taken away the sound for file replacement for unwanted annoying sound replacement or muting, this is a big issue, you ruin a players niche to play the game, this is one of the reasons people seek out sound addons, the old t morph program to try to find their way back into the game which is only good for the player and the business, it dont make sense to me , and for that reason i am done with this game along side many others , we payed alot of game time to level these races because we liked their animations but you make them all the same now, to hell with it!


Bye Felicia

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The thing I’m most upset about from this is now I actually have to listen to rhonins speech whenever I visit wrath Dalaran :c


Yeah, I was talking about this in the Soundtrack addon board. I can’t listen to the Tournament music while PvPing, that’s a major letdown. I hope they fix it soon!

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I could make a huge list of annoying sounds, but the top of the list is the NPCs riding around with me on the yak and AH mount. I’m just disabled all dialog and music until this is sorted out. Why the *#(&% did this go live?


I started replacing sounds when they added three new female Draenei death screams that were overwrought and overdramatic, replacing them with the three originals so I’d never hear them.

Then I was greatly disappointed to find out the hard work to get Serpentbite (without cheesing it and making it trivial with the healing pants), the BM Hunter hidden appearance which was a crossbow had gun sounds. So I replaced those so it would sound correct.

I also replaced the ear-splitting scream from certain hippoggryph mounts being summoned. And bodyguard Huntress Syrenne’s ridiculous non-stop lines she spammed every 2-5 seconds while in combat.

Being able to override sounds is a necessary feature for many people. I hope they’re able to find a workaround that fits their desire for obfuscating for datamining reasons but allows us to still replace sounds.


This definitely is my main reason, I had both regular guns and Rogue pistols setup to use the far superior Vanilla gun sounds.


Is there any comments regarding this matter?

I’m at my wit’s end. Thinking about sending in a ticket or creating a thread in the Customer Service forum about this.


If we don’t hear anything before the next Q&A we should all submit a question asking if the sound override functionality will be restored.


Is there even a Q&A coming up any time soon? As far as I can tell, the last Q&A was back in March.

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Nothing announced, but there probably will be one after they announce 8.2.5 or 8.3

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Doubtful. I think they’re realizing it’s not making any difference. If you’re just going to patronize and be dishonest with lawyer-speak, people would rather you just not talk.

Good idea, it crossed my mind as well! I certainly will if/when they do another.

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Now that Blizzard has moved over the other thread to UI and Macro, this is the (only?) thread about this left in General Discussion. Let’s get the word out as much as we can, there is a much larger audience here! Anyone know of any active devs/CMs to contact on Twitter or Reddit? Trying to ask a lot of them.


Any plans on fixing this?

At this point I doubt it, but there is an addon that accomplishes Some (but not all) of what we used to be able to do:

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That just plays an audio file. Like hitting the play button a media player running in the background. Doesn’t reproduce directional audio, so if other people are shooting or someone is talking it won’t sound right.