FYI 8.2 seems to be breaking sound mods

It’s not a post that needs flagging! Why are you dumb?!

Learn, adapt, overcome.

I’m sure the addons will be changed to work with 8.2, right?

How is this on the wrong board? It’s a general warning for the general WoW population that might use sound mods.


This is about the 8.2 patch, there’s a whole other board dedicated to 8.2, this is GD, this is where dumb people express the complaints that should be shoved down the toilet.

The 8.2 boards are for development and testing issues. This post could go in either because at this point, this thing is going live as is. Like I said, its a warning to the general populace. Not my fault you can’t read.

This is an unfortunate consequence of the data mining arms race IMHO.

Coming in 8.2 they are getting rid of 99% of the filenames. This is why sound file mods are going to break. Sound file mods work as they override existing file paths making your custom sound play instead (or play silence in the case of silence mods) . If there’s no names the code that would normally override an exisiting sound in favour of your custom sound never works as it literally can’t find the sound you want to replace.

Unfortunately Sound file mods seem to be the only non Addon related mod particularly affected by this. Cursor type over-rides haven’t be possible for years now (afaik) . Custom fonts aren’t affected by this change either (afaik).

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Yes this has nothing to do with addons, it’s literally a sound file you would drop into the Sound\ folder and *boom* that annoying mount sound is gone

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they could be tightening their grip on what is and isn’t allowed after the fairly recent model editing banwave.

Well thanks for warning us OP.

I never used sound mods anyways cause what’s the point? i play the game with the sounds off like 95% of the time these days cause of the annoying game sounds despite turning off the sound effects. But i’m glad this is bought to attention.

Personally i just wish WoW just have an Offline Single-Player game option already so we can mod the crap out of it how we want.

Certain creatures (some hunter pets, the priest banshee follower) can be horrifically annoying, so replacing their sound with silence can be a huge quality of life improvement.

What has me most upset is that it breaks bobber replacement sounds for fishing. At this point, the normal splashing sound is super easy for me to miss. Worse, I dual box, including manually dual-boxing fishing (makes fishing much more interesting since there’s less waiting to react to something).

I used to have different bobber sounds for the left PC and the right PC (they play through the same speakers). Now, I can’t tell which bobber went off if I blink or glance away at the wrong moment. :frowning:

[INB4 trolls go “multiboxers should all die, so I’m glad!” I don’t dual-box group content where it would inconvenience people. Other than strobe following, auto mount (when leader mounts), and a basic assist macro, I fully manually play both toons using two PCs and two keyboards.

I don’t dual-box PvP/War Mode and gank people (I’m a faction pacifist). I don’t subject people to my dual-boxing in IEs or dungeons or LFR/Raids. I just PvE level, quest and solo old content for pets/mounts/xmog/toys.]


Yeah, a Blue did reply yesterday in the UI thread though so hopefully they’ll re-enable this functionality somehow.


Nobody seems to be talking about the real reason to mod your sound files.


Blizzard really dropped the ball by replacing them with the nerfgun noises we have now.


Did they give a reason for what I consider a complete and total brain dead move? I mean at this point I’ve had to turn game sound off.


I am done with this game, they screwed up my collection of races and classes with their rediculous new class specific animations, they have taken away the sound for file replacement for unwanted annoying sound replacement or muting, this is a big issue, you ruin a players niche to play the game, this is one of the reasons people seek out sound addons, the old t morph program to try to find their way back into the game which is only good for the player and the business, it dont make sense to me , and for that reason i am done with this game along side many others , we payed alot of game time to level these races because we liked their animations but you make them all the same now, to hell with it!


Bye Felicia

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The thing I’m most upset about from this is now I actually have to listen to rhonins speech whenever I visit wrath Dalaran :c


Yeah, I was talking about this in the Soundtrack addon board. I can’t listen to the Tournament music while PvPing, that’s a major letdown. I hope they fix it soon!

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I could make a huge list of annoying sounds, but the top of the list is the NPCs riding around with me on the yak and AH mount. I’m just disabled all dialog and music until this is sorted out. Why the *#(&% did this go live?


I started replacing sounds when they added three new female Draenei death screams that were overwrought and overdramatic, replacing them with the three originals so I’d never hear them.

Then I was greatly disappointed to find out the hard work to get Serpentbite (without cheesing it and making it trivial with the healing pants), the BM Hunter hidden appearance which was a crossbow had gun sounds. So I replaced those so it would sound correct.

I also replaced the ear-splitting scream from certain hippoggryph mounts being summoned. And bodyguard Huntress Syrenne’s ridiculous non-stop lines she spammed every 2-5 seconds while in combat.

Being able to override sounds is a necessary feature for many people. I hope they’re able to find a workaround that fits their desire for obfuscating for datamining reasons but allows us to still replace sounds.


This definitely is my main reason, I had both regular guns and Rogue pistols setup to use the far superior Vanilla gun sounds.