Future support plans/augmentation going forward

It fills the roll of a dps and dps is what it should contribute. One way or another.

It is literally a dps spec.

no its literally a support spec and not a dps spec. If they intended for it to be a dps spec then it would be a dps spec.

It’s a dps spec. It takes a dps slot, and to get value out of it you have to fulfill your dps rotation. Whether your damage comes from you directly, or the buffs you put on allies, the result is the same. DPS.

They didn’t make a new special role just for aug, they worked it into the trinity as a dps.

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Coming from FFXIV and maining Dancer, I wonder if Blizz can look at that game and take some lessons on how they were able to balance/design the Dancer support dps class.

Or would that be too radically different?

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