Future of Enhancemenet

Is anyone else concerned that in DR enhancement wont be as good as it is now? I say this because the base spec is meh at best but what is currently pushing it into the crazy range is the super good conduits + 4 set + double legendries.

Once those are gone…what will happen to the spec as a whole?

I think a ton of specs, are in a similar situation. They don’t feel whole without double legendary, conduits, soul binds, covenant abilities… I would hope blizzard is aware and working towards making specs feel complete on their own, without the borrowed powers


They already said they’re adding abilities like convoke to the new talent trees so there is some likelihood that they’ll continue that trend with other abilities that are seen as integral.


Im not worried about cov abilities. Its all the passives that come from conduits, tier sets, and legendries. Those are far more important and change the way all specs are played more then a single activated cov spell.


I agree but I do think (maybe this will bite me in the behind later) that blizz will roll those into talents or baseline as well.

Like for ele windspeakers lava resurgence I think will either be rolled baseline or as a talent.

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Yeah thats a good one for ele and feels like it should be a baseline thing

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it will go back to being a bad spec like it usually is at the start of every expansion.this is why was posting about bringing back double windfury to help with the damage loss of losing all the borrowed power.

enhancements past is bad at the start of an expansion and good at the end.

I don’t want to see any of the SL stuff made baseline especially the covenant abilities.

I could see DW as a talent but that’s about it.

I kinda want a complete overhaul to enh talents in the new tree. I like the baseline kit though.

Getting 2h back would be a god move for Blizzard at this point but I’ll never expect it to happen.

This does scare me but as long as we get something like Shamanistic rage and better mana regen we wont have to worry about losing chain harvest. If things from legion like doom winds and unleash doom make a return we should be fine for the damage portion. Hopefully we will see soon what enhance will have in store

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Well we cant have 2h returned like they did for frost dk’s.

Getting 2h back would mean they would need to overhaul some of the toolkit. Things like lava lash and flametongue wouldnt work

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they need to make some of the talents that we always use baseline like sundering and bringing back ascendance as a main damage cd

i’d like a big change to our aoe toolkit cause crashing storm needs an overhaul


if druids are getting convoke you can bet we will get covenant abilities as talents id personally like to see chain harvest for enhancement and doomwinds as a talent to.

Druids are getting convoke because it instantly felt like an iconic spell. I highly doubt that they will do that for every class in game, similar to how they only kept a few abilities from legion.

I doubt any shaman covenant abilities will make the cut as none of them felt particularly iconic

chain harvest doesnt feel iconic for enhancement???

Convoke was iconic for all 4 Druid specs, in all forms of content.

Chain harvest was a cool spell to use for one spec in one, sometimes 2 forms of content, feeling awful on the other two, so certainly not iconic, no.

It also doesn’t help that currently, during the time that enhance has felt better to play than it has in almost a decade, chain harvest is not taken.

I suspect that if Blizz were to carry over any borrowed power from this xpac as a talent, it would be either doomwinds, witch doctors, or PLA since those actually make the spec feel better to play rather than just giving us an extra aoe button to press every 1.5 mins

chain haves was great on all 3 specks of shaman ele was using it and resto was using it you can one shot people with chain harvest now as it is much liek convoke.

you must have a druid alt or something…lol


Ele used It in PTR with echoing shock but once that got fixed they never touched it once throughout the entire expansion despite numerous buffs because it felt awful to use.

Bad rshams who can’t use prim wave use chain harvest I guess…

Not sure why you addresses like one sentence of my post, ignored all my actual points and then accused me of being a Druid main lol? Kinda weird.

im not sure you you dont think chain harvest isnt iconic for enhancement its the strongest spender we got since lightning bolt and chain lightning are weak.

i have have 30k+ chain harvest crits in pvp but you dont think its iconic…lol.

Ok? So? Doing big damage with the current tuning of a spell does not make it iconic?

The way a spell feels and plays makes it iconic lol.

By your logic, Fae Transfusion is iconic for resto sham because in 2s you can do 75% of someone’s HP.

Counter argument using your logic though, chain harvest is not iconic because it wasn’t touched once in raid the entire expansion because it hit like a feather in single target

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