Future Ideas for Classic

I’m not sure if a post has been made advocating this or not. I’d like to say I personally would love fresh classic servers that are put up say once naxxramas comes out and is cleared.

These servers should come with MC, PvP, and AQ war effort in game. With a delayed 1-2 month naxxramas or so. With no XFERs available. I’m sure many players would love this. Starting new, with no resources, and rushing to an objective is one of the fun things that came from private servers.

One thing I think should be implemented in these servers are controls on population, a flat population cap, so there will never be a queue. In addition a cap per faction, to promote faction balance. Once a certain amount of unique accounts are made on a faction, there shouldn’t be allowed anymore.

This could be highly successful in keeping classic alive and fun and keep a good group of players from quitting the game.

I would love to hear what others think about this!

Never going to happen, plus restrict people to certain faction cause of “balance”, good luck with that cause #nochanges and people don’t like having to play alliance cause there are more horde on server, that is prize of classic!

These could be #somechanges servers :slight_smile: . There already have been. There could be more than one of these servers if people really wanted to play a certain faction. I’m optimistic there would be plenty of demand for multiple servers.

highly doubt it, highly doubt Jimmy like that he can’t make his first character with his friends on horde in server cause there is to many horde, so he quits and leaves game, there is reason wow retail has cross realms to help balance populations in each servers

My favorite phase of Classic was phase one for this reason. Everyone’s starting fresh, there’s no honor system to embroil the PvP servers in mayhem, and it’s easy to find people to dungeon with.

At this point, though, it’s pretty clear that Blizzard’s resources are limited and that they’re going to spend those limited resources developing Classic TBC. This will obviously split the community, but players who prefer Classic over TBC will be the ones leveling alts and keeping the community somewhat afloat.