Future Blizzcons

From my understanding , last year the crowd was so big that the venue could not accommodate. Secondly, Microsoft probably will have some different plans regarding this conference. Probably they will combine it with the rest of their games

According to Wikipedia,

  • Activision Blizzard is a subsidiary and their parent organization is Microsoft Gaming.
  • Microsoft Gaming is a division of Microsoft.
  • Microsoft is publicly is a traded corporation traded on Nasdaq

Yeah, thats wrong lol. Activision/Blizzard was dissolved.

noreply@e.blizzard.com is what sends me plenty of emails concerning WoW and Blizzard.

But all of that is definitely a weird combo.

There should be a in game Blizz Con.

I never made one, however I believe I will one day.

Everything I see when I search for Activision Blizzard says it’s a subsidiary of Microsoft Gaming. A subsidiary is a company which is owned by a parent company.

Do you have a source saying that is no longer the case?

good i dont want to be traumitized by any more of their new “alleria windrunner” cosplays.

Oh… interesting. See, the rest of the email looked legit, but I’ve never seen “Inc Blizzard Entertainment” on my emails before. I’ll have to go through and check others I’ve deleted to see if it’s the same.


Because that was all prior to finishing everything. Activision/Blizzard was a stock holding company and was dissolved once Microsoft took over lol.

I’m going to go as a married Thrall and my wife is nagging me every minute, much like the submissions to this sub

Since Blizzard always lost money on Blizzcon, and it was a HUGE burden on their staff, they’ve probably put it to bed for good, yes.

yep they had the cosby suite during blizzcon

The last one had almost no panels.
It used to be for Blizzard gamers, now it’s exclusively promotion.

Some of that “old guard” is in a lawsuit…

Blizzcon 2010 was fun.

but the finances of it might not make sense. how much does renting the convention center in Anaheim for a weekend cost???

Probably as well other key individuals swept up in the MeToo movement.

What’s your point?

Blizz has mentioned before Blizzcon has always lost money.

And it’s not just the venue rental cost, my guess is that is cheap (relatively).

It’s the hundreds (thousands?) of man hours to plan and staff it.

it’s actually not awful to rent… I thought it’d be worse. Maybe $400k for the weekend?

https ://www. anaheim. net/ DocumentCenter/ View/ 3269/ Trade-Show-and-Convention-Rate-Schedule-?bidId=

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One time at blizcon …