Fury Warrior Class Set Tuning – March 8

I’m happy we have someone like Archimtiros around to be a voice of reason.

The necro nerf is way too much. Your nerfing something based on a perfect sims condition that’s only strong in one aspect of the game.


I wish they didn’t nerf Necro, this was the covenant last chance to be competitive in this expansion. Kinda lame it never got the spotlight considering how much it aims towards the warrrior fantasy…

I actually would’ve wished they nerfed the spec to make up for how good Glory with tier set was, so at least the covenant got played this tier. Kyrian and NF been competitive enough and Venthyr had some good moments with certain bosses.

It’s just a pity

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Justified tier nerfs.
Necro playstyle was something to look forward to in competitive play. Please reconsider the severity of the change so it can be an option. Thank you.


Understandably the warrior tier set bonus got nerfed. It was too strong for all covenants. The necro legendary should not have been nerfed considering how big of a nerf it is as well as the require uptime on boss to achieve that damage profile. Kyrian and Night fae will continue to be played in M+ with the whirlwind conduit. Kyrian and Night fae should not perform better in an actual mythic raid encounter single target fight while not being punished by mechanics. If necrofury does sim 14k in a patchwork sim, any single mechanic will drastically reduce it’s performance.


Well thats a big shame… I was looking forward to playing necro in raid… These nerfs are way over the top… considering the fact that it already relied on big uptime on bosses… now its just a dead covenant… again

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As stated multiple times above. Tier, we get. Necro nerf doesn’t make sense and is excessive. Very disappointing.


Please take the nerfs one step at a time. Reverting the necrolord nerf would still be a substantial nerf and put fury in line with other specs.


I understand the tier set but the Glory nerf without even seeing it realistic with time off boss and mechanics is no bueno.


Everyone malding here about Fury warrior getting nerfed in pve where it’s good, now how do you think us pvpers feel where it’s less good. :thinking:

The tier tuning definitely makes sense, the glory legendary nerf?
Did you guys mean to not make Necrolord playable for us at all this expansion?
What’s the point of making banner changes if we’re not even going to use it?

Please reconsider the Glory nerf.


Really hope that someone reconsiders this decision, seems premature

Do the DEVs even play their own game. Rip Fury.

I was finally excited to play fury and now this. So disappointing.

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Please reconsider the nerf that you made to glory. The tier nerfs are fair and understandable but the nerfs to necrolord’s legendary was crossing the line. This change makes the covenant unplayable or unviable in any form of content as a fury warrior. Please reconsider the nerf Blizzard.


revert necrolord nerf that is too much consider i spent all that time leveling it

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tbh fury doesnt deserve a nerf at all. its been overshadowed by arms except pure aoe all expac. the fact that it was finally gonna be strong in raid and it gets slammed down this hard is rediculous. but as with the others, revert the necro nerf. or better yet revert the fury spec general nerfs that were implemented at the start of the expac.

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“Stronger than intended” meaning, they never intended for it to be strong. RIP a covenant that has had zero worth the entire expansion and yet somehow is intended to not be strong in order to balance covenants.

TLDR: revert: fun detected


Blizzard please listen to this. Nerfing the build down into “not viable” before we even get it into our hands feels bad. People spent time getting their renown and gear ready for this only to have the rug pulled out from underneath them. Please consider reverting the necrolord changes back to a playable/viable state.


revert the glory nerf


Hey there we go, another bait and switch. I love spending my time levelling something just to have blizzard yank the rug out from under me and force me to go do something else instead. Glad my time is worth so much to you Blizz, that’ll certainly keep my sub going.

But this is just bizarre that we just saw the impact that downtime has on one of these sims when venthyr was supposedly in need of a nerf last tier, and the devs haven’t learned any lessons from that. I also have a hard time believing that any of this was tested, when you didn’t even bother testing the last 3 bosses on mythic. Seems like another kneejerk nerf based on sim data.

The best part is that it took Blizzard months to trickle in buffs during nathria to make fury viable, however now they’re just going to gut it INSTANTLY before it’s even had a chance to be good. Clearly not a spec that a blizzard dev plays, so none of the special treatment certain other specs get rofl.