Fury is Fundamentally Bad

I would prefer survival as well, but it’s melee now :sob:

Melee survival is the best form of survival and all the Hunters crying about it just want their braindead ranged spec back. Unfortunately, because survival is melee it can’t ever be meta because these same Hunters will whine themselves into a coma.

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it was meta for a majority of bfa wasn’t it


It was extremely good in BFA from my 1 (one) season of actually playing BFA, but thought BM came back up on it. Doesn’t help that BM is cancer to fight against and takes less brains than Arms when playing.

think it went from prism meta to trident meta to drestagath meta pretty seamlessly better than bm or mm


ok vulpera


So easy to fix, blows my mind how people advocate for it not even being worth fixing, because viability and being t1/super meta arent the same thing

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bring back wod survival with freezing ammo :slight_smile:

Blows your mind really? Can you like not read or what, cuz it’s explained pretty clearly in this or the other fury thread from yesterday and even if it weren’t I feel like people’s hatred for fury in pvp is easy to figure out

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But Titans Grip makes for sweet mogs :frowning:


i don’t pretend to know what has to happen to people to become the kind of dev that vitriolically hates their most devoted players the way actiblizzard’s obviously do, but i’ve given up on expecting it to change. they’re willing to do X paltry amount of work and not a thin dime more, i’d rather they cut losses and work on pvp without any effort to make it include fury, bm, fire, assa, frost(dk), or any tank spec.

there’s a lot more specs i think they should give up on but those are the ones most people i find are willing to agree always make the game feel worse, everything else being equal


Honestly, I don’t even think UHDK is a good example of one of these ‘pve specs’ (read: Necrotic Strike)… It just happens to be in the gutter at this moment, which is something literally all specs experience from time to time.

oh yeah that’s why i said frost is one of the ones that should suck

unholy happens to be down now but with heartstop dead i don’t think there’s an argument against unholy having much stronger pvp tools fundamentally

Cut losses on a billiondollar company making changes that would barely take effort yet I’m ignorant cant read.

This imaginary agenda of fury and off meta spec hate is news to me, specs that make game worse?

What about the destro lock metas, invincible arms warrior teams spamming condemn, ret deletions, fire mage, boomkin generally its a class design issue

Unholy wasnt better for game when 5 borrowed power pets came out to do 30% health crits? Cmon…ur not being a pioneer for what want😥

Good god that was a painful read.


Mop is the pinnacle of pvp and half these specs that are "allegedly " bad for the game were playable I think recent xpacs have jaded our point of view on these types of things because bad class design-there just for u

It’s like you just skipped a word every 5 words and my brain is twitching. How did you do that





Yall are wierd lmao