Fury is absurd

play disc priest, play strength of soul, reduce fury warrior damage by 15%. easy game

The way the good lord intended :pray:


Huh? Warrior in general was pretty awful in BFA, but fury was worse than arms. Fury only saw play in SL S3/4 and DFlight S3/4. Even then arms was compeititve or better.

Fury WAS busted Slands S3 and is overtuned now, but it’s just objectively wrong to pretend that fury was always busted.

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No one is defending anything warrior is my main class but I play every single class/spec(not healers) so even ik fury is cranking and yea I read it just another whine thread about a certain class doing a ton of dmg yada yada did 300k crits in bladestorm yada yada. if you are going to whine about something at least post on a class that isn’t its hard counter lol(fury is 100% peelable just get better gang).

Also, mage and feral are doing double what fury is doesn’t defend fury but seems everyone is jumping on the nerf fury bandwagon when there are two different offenders who are even worse than it lol and still nerfs to come 10/10 fury is going to get gutted to unplayable as it usually is and arms is going to be the meta for most warriors (I main arms) so fine by me.

Are you like illiterate or just finished hs or something? Your entire rant reads like some zoomer nonsense, so i have no idea how you are on such an old account unless you bought it or something.

Definitely doesnt read like you’re in your late 20s or 30s with 15 years playing.

There is 0 way a lock is escaping fury. Stop talking. Its ridiculous.

In the past sure. When youre healing for as much as a resto druid while tripling my damage output, no, i cannot escape.


I’m 20 my guy what does age have to do with you not knowing how to play your class clearly are new on here if you don’t know this is my dad’s account that he gave to me I’ve said that alot to whoever tries to bring up how old some of my achievements are lol.

lock easily escapes warrior with ports affy and destro alone can easily work a warrior.

you literally have bloodstones on top of that with soulburn thats basically a full heal you got several options to beat warriors with ease. on top of amp curse of exhaustion walk away they waste both charges and leap and are slowly walking towards you in the end. Laslty impish instincts you bascially get to port 24/7 with how fast you get demonic circle tp back.

lock is easily as busted as fury/frost/feral you aint got no excuse better start watching them rank 1 locks and learn from them. Other than that gut fury make arms great again.


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You’re 20 and playing an account made 2008.

You were four.

Go away with your bought account.

My guy my dad is 50 the account was made in 2004 lol. Starting to think you maybe illiterate, clearly stated my dad gave it to me lol doesn’t mean I got it while I was 4 I been playing this game since I was 9.

why would I even buy someone else’s account. The only reason id buy another account from someone is for the challenge mode weapons i really want those.


You do realize that frost is
More tanky than any class ever in the history of wow

Can heal better than all healers currently

Has infinite cc

And until next week, has insta cast God level ice lances.

You should never lose to any melee


I was playing arena on my lock long before you finished middle school even.

You are clueless. Stop talking.

just because you old doesn’t make you good if you can’t even kite on a lock.

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You really have no idea.

What is the cooldown on leap? On charge? Storm bolt? Oh
and fury can remove snare.

You have port. Great. Thats one leap. He can immune fear.

In a matter of seconds he can be back on you.

There is no way on earth youre avoiding fear immunity, two leaps, charge and the mind boggling damage plus bladestorm every 5 seconds making them immune.

Jesus you’re such an arrogant little kid


im doing just fine on lock right now against fury lol.
also 20 isn’t a kid.

With storm, ava or odyn’s if specced for it, yeah, but that costs a lot of damage.

You have limitless no Dr root on your ring, remember that



Doesnt negate my point.

Wither tooltipping 700k over 14 seconds. Rifts 400k over 14 seconds.

Infernal does 30k dps.

Fury connecting one time for literally 2 seconds does upwards of 1.5 2m damage and heals for more than full burst.

Its broken

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Yes fury, afflick, and frost mage are super op

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It feels like you just don’t like warr at this point lol.

has he ever liked it ive never seen a single positive post from him so far about warrior lol.