So, I can understand being attracted to mermaids, or succubus.
Here’s my issue with the furies. A mermaid or a succubus has animal like elements but they retain their human like face. They have kissable, human like lips.
It’s the snout that I can’t get my head around.
Kissing a snout is like kissing a dog. I can’t relate to that. I want to understand. I’m trying. I really am. I just can’t make that step into finding something with a hairy snout attractive.
I need help. Help me sensi fury’s. Teach me your ways.
Tigers have striped skin under their fur.
The more you knoooooooooooooooooooooow
You should all be banned.
I know we’re just the worst.
Okay. I tried passionately kissing my dog in the middle of town and a man with a tall top hat and a whistle told me that I wasn’t allowed to be doing that.
Now I’m just confused.
Pretty much.
Step one: Watch anime
Step two: UwU
- Get a job.
Step 4, make art of fursonas.
Not too late for shock treatment, the wonder cure.
My vulpera shaman would agree, sparky spark.
Why are you the way you are?
Because everyones unique! So here we are!
If you keep removing your posts I cant see what you say!
Aww, well thats okay to me if you feel that way!
Still gross.
Well to some definitely will be! but thats also natural!
Step 5: Profit