Funny how they can ban players for buying gold in a timely fashion, but not bots?

Bro they legit care more about bg afkers over bots or literally anything else lmao

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The biggest question I have is, if Blizzard wants the situation to improve, why don’t they punish gold-buyers more severely. Botting gets a pretty severe penalty to start with and escalates from there. But right now, buying gold seems to only get a 3-day ban, whereas being AFK in a battleground can start at 10 days.

If botting is bad (and most of us agree that it is) then why is buying from botters (supporting them) considered to be a lesser offense?

I doubt the folks who say that the penalty is just a 3-day suspension. I think it varies depending on the circumstances. Like, if you get a 3-day suspension, is that just a one-time thing or is that every time?

I doubt Blizzard would let the same players continually get 3-day suspensions over and over again.

I’m sure it escalates for further offenses just like everything else, but someone in my guild claimed that he was banned for buying gold, his account didn’t log in for 3 days. He’s either good at sticking to his lie (the same story most people have) or 3-days is the start.

By that same token 10-days seems to be the baseline for AFKing and six months for botting. These punishments don’t seem logical in relation to each other.

The orange marker does not appear if you edit within a minute. He added to his post three times before he finally went away. :rofl:

By the light!

Yes, it is.

Sort of, but at this point I think we are past the “tourist” stage of classic. I’m with you that some people would hate and fight tokens. But those same people know about bots.

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