Funniest and/or coolest shaman name ever

Used to play D&D years ago and when I rolled up a toon I would make a family tree of sorts just to have a background for them.


I will put in that I raided with a pair of shaman named Watergun and Supersoaker.

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Back in Vanilla, when Shamans and Paladins were separate, I had a shaman named Pallywhacker.

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Actually, this is that exact same shaman, one of my few original characters that remain.

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i know y’all loved huniepop so i say mine.

Saw one running around with “Sixdemonbag” Made me giggle a little. “Wind! Fire! All that kind of thing.”

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I’m partial to my name. :slight_smile:

oh, hello.

I saw one named Shamanda once, was a Pandaren shaman.

not as good as some of the others in here, but I have a dwarf Shaman named Potatotem


I loved that tv series!

I present you 

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Holy necro

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Because Indian chieftains are :cool:

They said Shaman, not Necromancer. At least you did it on a class that uses necromancy type of abilities though.

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Super necro! While it’s here, when Night Elves get Shaman, you could make one named something like “Mehn” and use the new Night Elf title, so you’d be “Ama’shan Mehn” which would sound like “I’m a shaman” when said out loud.

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Vulpera shaman named yvee (eevee was taken) but yeah im yvee the elemental fox :smiley:

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I had one Vulpera named Shammy for awhile
 Shammy the Shaman. Yeah, it wasn’t as funny as I thought at first either. :rofl:

I deleted it and rerolled a vulpera one named Olivian, so her name isn’t very Shaman either.

I’m bad at naming.

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