Frostmourne Alliance Reconnections

Hey Murdoch,

I was Penie the gnome mage!

Im coming back for classic, in a guild Eclipse!

Hey Ferret and Hatelive, it’s Dombou! Man, those names are a trip down memory lane. I haven’t played since Wrath, so I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone soon from the Causality/Twisted Faith days.


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Hey Dombou,
How are ya mate? So much nostalgia on this thread!
Are you rolling a spriest again and on alli?

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Hey Hatelive.

Good! You? I’m not sure what I want to play tbh. Spriest was so much fun, but I think I want to give tanking a go. So I’m thinking either Warrior or Druid at this point. How about you?

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Good thanks. We’re not sure whether were playing alli or horde yet.


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Yep, we all rerolled to Barthilas. I can remember Obez and a couple others, I rerolled to an Orc Female Rogue at that stage. o7

Hey, I will try and hit you up in game sometime :slight_smile: - derelictfrog

So many memories reading these names! Not sure I’ll play Classic or just try and catch up with old friends :slight_smile:

Add me here - Jazzor#1893

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Jepeto here. Played a Dwarf hunter in Tsunami, JBI, Tenacity etc. Really early on played a Warlock named Nea and R12 on a Lvl 59 Paladin Gnea in various guilds as well. Pumped!

Also played with you I think Iko. Either as Ariel - Crimson Wrath or Jepeto


Heya Agiel, Benevolence here checking in for active duty. You’ll probably find me downing a tankard or two in Old Town or possibly stealing candles from kobolds near Goldshire.

Can’t believe all the familiar names in this thread, its been so long but seeing you all here makes it feel like yesterday.

Catch you in Azeroth my dudes!

Kweensguard - Human Priest

I transferred over from Blackrock with quite a few people in the guild I cannot for the life of me remember the name of

Chubbzy, Maloran & Skillztokill ring bells for character names - havn’t seen or spoken to them since TBC or Wrath when they stopped playing

I was in HFRA, I remember trying to heal you in PVP. What server are you going to be on?

Reporting for duty since Frostmourne launch. Nightelf Rogue ‘Elveron’ and Human Paladin ‘Unther’ here from guild Clan Trip. Good friends with Grand Marshal Gnome Warlock ‘Nemmerus’ and Nightelf Druid ‘Tijuana’. Hoping they still play. =)

Balaram here.
I am horde character name Nandi on the AUssie PVP server.

Balaram here. Lead Penance.
I am horde character name Nandi on the Aussie PVP server.

Mono! How could I forget those heals and chilled company?
Penie! You crazy frickin’ midget mage, bringin’ the boom booms.
Radu! Heck yeah dude, I remember you, quiet and steadfast.
And Sonyahh, I missed your laugh in Vent when I left, always brightened my day.

… great to see you guys and gal.

If you’re looking for me, I’m on Yojamba, one of the new PvP servers, because things got crazy today with Arugal.

If any of you are playing … I’ve rolled up some chars …

Murdoch - well really? Ya think? And a hunter, of course.
Badpenny - The rogue that always turns up

Later on, I’ll try to get the guild going again, but it’ll be casual (Forgotten Legacy maybe?) … we’re much older now, and there’s no way I could spend the time on here like I used to. Just taking the time chilling out. Still, if we get enough of the old crew, maybe a pickup Onyxia and/or Rag?

Whitehowler’s rolled here too, if you remember him.

But there’s no pressure to join, even if you just want to hang out and chill doing quests, this is my down time, and I can’t think of a finer bunch of people I’d rather hang with.

Bro I remember you! 11th Hour or Alliance of Archangels?

I used to Co GM NOTORIOUS back when Frostmourne first kicked off.
On this toon, but his name was Cornellious.(He had a server transfer of an back)
Guilds still running!

Looking for people who used to be in Cruel Intentions Guild GM was Fistsofhate and we all got him thunderfury and he sold his acc lol! any1 remember this?

Hey there! There’s a small contingent of us on Horde under the guild name reach out to anyone in the guild if you’d like to be invited :slight_smile: my in game name is Tys, used to go by Tyg

What up guys!? It’s Mithrandil here, you’re old GM :slight_smile:

What realm are you all playing on?

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